In the flurry of leasing competition in the summer of 2008 there were a number of consecutive months of record breaking state lease auctions. As these were public lands, the lease bonuses for all bids were public record. Those who kept up with those state auctions will recall that Manna Acquisitions was the successful bidder on a number of Caddo Parish leases. Those leases were assigned to Chesapeake. Chesapeake has filed releases for all those Caddo Parish tracts in the Cross Lake area that were acquired in the auction sale date June 6, 2008. The six leases total 2,161 acres and the bonuses paid by Manna ranged from $11,750 to $14,000 per acre or a total of $28,182,000. The six release of lease conveyance documents were filed with the Caddo Parish Clerk of Court on August 3, 2009. Instrument numbers: 2242606-611.

The tract acreage, bonus and sections are as follows:
207 acres @ $14,500 in S17, 18, 19, 20 & 29 - 18N -15W.
157 acres @ $14,500 in S16, 20 & 21 - 18N -15W.
579 acres @ $11,750 in S19, 20, 29 & 30 - 18N -15W,
598 acres @ $11,750 in S21 & 28 - 18N -15W.
386 acres @ $14,500 in S32 & 33 - 18N -15W & S 4 & 5 - 17N -15W.
239 acres & $14,500 in S32, 33 & 34 - 18N -15W & S4 & 5 - 17N -15W

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Its called...North of I-20 is less than great shale, outside the CHK core, and not wanting to pay delay rentals. (or maybe they just forgot to pay delay rentals....)
They would have had to pay $15,007,500.00 in delay rentals.
Baron or Skipper,

Are the delay rental payment requirements also of record?? I'm surprised that CHK or others would be willing to pay that much for a lease with that kind of a delay rental obligation each year - especially if any of these lands were actually on Cross Lake.
Mattie. These leases cover the bed of Cross Lake. I did not spend the time to read the leases in full and trust the Baron on his comment concerning the delay rental. Those terms would be included in the leases filed for public record.
Amazing that they would have those high of delay rental obligations on the beds of Cross Lake, don't you think?

Have all lands north of I-20 been shot down by CHK and others? I have family with land less than 1/2 mile north of I-20 off Pines Rd. Curious as to whether they are looking to let this go as well.
I don't have an opinion on the amount of the delay rentals. As to the prospective nature of minerals north of I-20, it depends on which stretch of I-20 you are referring to. The stretch from the TX. state line to downtown Shreveport has a good HA well north of it in Section 13 -17N -16W (near the American Rose Center). Petrohawk's Herold with IP of 11.171 MMcfd. Petrohawk has three other HA wells drilling in 17N -13W. These wells are south of I-20 by about three miles only because I-20 is bending northward as it goes through Shreveport and Bossier. To be more accurate I think that in the short run all of the 17N townships will be considered perspective 16W to at least 10 or 9 West. The prospective nature of the 18N townships is more questionable at this time. I expect much of those townships to be productive to 10 or 9 W also. The production may be lower than townships to the south but the shale is there and the operators will figure out how best to produce it.
See my response below, but delay rentals are provided for in the stanard state lease form.
ALL State leases or leases done through the mineral board have a delay rental (also mant south LA leases are delay rental leases as well).

The Delay rental is 1/2 of the bid amount. To be presise, the bonus you see reported by the mineral board is actually a bonus plus the first years rental. I could write several pages about delay rentals, but in general they are to be paid each year that has no drilling throughout the primay term. With a state lease, you are required to pay the rental or release the lease. If the rental is not paid, and the release is not filed (within 90 days i believe) severe fines are imposed by the state ($100/day I believe).

This is a copy of the delay rental clause, for privacy I have blocked out the $$$ amount. There is about a page of rules on how and when and where to pay the rental.
we are leased by chk in 17 15 sec17
J.A. Though you are leased to CHK I suspect that Petrohawk will be the operator to develop your area. You should be fine.



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