We were offered $4,000 per acre and 25%. I have no idea if this is a good deal or not. Can anyone give us a clue as to whether this is something we should go forward with or not???

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BD. I don't like guessing when there is little specific information. S30 - 17N-15W is south of the Samson Contour/Petrohawk development activity in the north half of your township and north of Chesapeake's activity in 16N - 15W. In general being between CHK and HK is a good place to be. How many acres? And how much of a hurry are you in?
Skip, thats 34 acres in the very top left hand corner of s30 and We are not in a big hurry. I think most of the section was leased thru JPD and JPD sold it to Chesapeake, they all got 20,000 I think and they closed on that back in October 2008. That was back when things were better! Does that give You the specifics You needed?
Close enough for now, BD. Don't get in any rush to enter into lease negotiations. Let development activity proceed with the hope that both CHK and HK ultimately have an interest in your tract. Hopefully neither will get to you before the price of natural gas begins to increase. That tends to make operators more willing to compete. Make a township grid of 17N -15W and 16N - 15W and record HA drilling units and wells. Monitor the South Caddo Group page and ask questions whenever you are unsure of how to interpret what you are seeing and hearing. Good Luck.
Could anyone tell me
what the sale of minerals
would net per acre in
nship 15 N 16 west section
33? I would greatly appreciate

I don't know your area, but you may want to clarify if you are talking about leasing or selling. The terms get thrown around loosely but are not the same thing.

Additionally, if you're speaking of a sale rather than a lease, or you referring to sale of minerals or a sale of royalty?
Please be sure to post in the parish group too...many check in there that do not on the main forum.
I own land in Bienville parish how do I find out about whats going on there?
Someone I know got an offer from Empressa yesterday in sec 20 16N 8W for $1,000 per acre and 25%. Why such a difference? These areas are pretty close to each other
Proximity is over rated, landowner. Have you checked to see how many HA wells that Empresa has drilled? How many HA drilling units they have? Zero and two are the correct answers. Empresa (one "s") probably wishes to lease as much acreage as they can before they turn over the deep rights to a real HS operator.
Thanks for that answer Skip. Keep me grounded. I think my friend is going to take the1K. I guess everyone has to do what they think is best. I am just going to wait and when I do get an offer I will discuss it with some experts before accepting.
Ask the landman, "when does Empresa plan on drilling a horizontal HA well in my section?" When he/she says, "I don't know", you say, "could you please find out and let me know." When you get an answer, tell him/her that you'll think about it and then post that answer here and we will go from there. Regardless of the fact that we are 18 months into this play, that its been reported numerous times in the local newspaper and on the local television news (although the coverage has been sophomoric at best), that it's the favored topic of conversation in every restaurant and at most public gatherings and that it has spawned a website with 11,000 members, there will be a lot of land/mineral owners who will sign the first $1,000/acre offer that comes their way. On a standard lease form. It's a waste of our time to consider why they would do so. And bashing them for devaluing their neighbors minerals is worst than a waste of our time. Perform your own due diligence and sign a lease that meets your needs.


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