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City of Shreveport
There are no orders because there have been no applications. Keep in mind that the bulk of this township in densely populated, suburban/exurban in nature. It is highly perspective for the HS but difficult and expensive to develop. Many more landowners per surface acre (high cost for land services), higher costs to build infrastructure, less surface acres suited to infrastructure, more potential for complaints from neighbors, etc., etc., etc. Development of densely populated areas will probably be put on hold or proceed slowly in isolated areas (Petrohawk's Hamel well for example) until the price of natural gas makes these more costly wells practical.
not to mention the new urban rules. Also the threat of overregulation by the City.
Why is it taking them so long to unitize Section 6 of 15N 15W? Any idea?
JNP. Section 6 is not HBP (Held By Production) so the answer probably lies with the leasing situation in this section. It's a very prospective area and would have been unitized and/or drilled prior to now if leases were approaching expiration. This is Chesapeake's original core acreage and AOI (Area Of Interest). Without doing a lease analysis for Section 6, I can only guess that the leases in this section still have ample time to expiration and that the company holding the superior lease position (most likely Chesapeake) has sufficient time remaining to spud a well.
For JeffNParis -- Be happy that you aren't being drilled now. Gas is soooo low. Prices may be better if you wait a year.
Thanks. I'm happy!
Thanks Skip. You're right. Our lease doesn't run out for about a year. I guess CHK is running around drilling everywhere else before leases run out. I think there was a holdout street in our section that just signed a month or two ago. So that's another reason why they were probably not in a rush to unitize and drill.

Do we know how much wells are producing near Section 6?

Ok...I'll be quiet about this for a while and be patient!
Nearby Chesapeake wells have had IP's in the 8 MMcfd to 11MMcfd range with Flowing Pressures around 6.000 psi on chokes of 20-22/64" .
Aren't these numbers low compared to wells I've seen producing 15-20 MMcfds? Any reason why the numbers are lower or is just the choking back?
They certainly won't make Les's HA HoF well list but they are early efforts in an area that Chesapeake considers it's core leasehold. I wouldn't be too concerned. If you wish to search for completions that are somewhat further from your section, see the new SONRIS Help Center Group. Or better yet, set up your own tracking township grids and update them on a regular basis. That allows you to set your own tracking parameters. Once you have set up your own tracking system, it takes only about 15 minutes once a week to update it.
FYI: CHK is unitizing S6 of 15N/15W as well as the section just south it. I can't remember the number of that section but we got a notice on that one too. Finally!



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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