Does anyone have knowledge on what's going on with SWEPI? They have well over 100 units approved. However, they've permitted only 17 wells in 2009, and many of those have not spud. They have yet to get production out of a single well (except for the vertical Murray 31). All their drilled wells say "waiting on completion" or "waiting on pipeline" on sonris. There seems to be little movement to get on with it. Their leases are going to expire eventually. What gives?

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They did a "checkerboard" swap of acreage with CHK in the past couple of months in Southern Desoto Parish. Also, Encana appears to be driving the car on the operating side, which is probably better for all concerned given Encana's recent successes and experience in shale/horizontal drilling. Hopefully, Encana will start cranking it up soon. I expect CHK to prove up much of the SoDesoto/Sabine Parish area first, though. They have more rigs, and appear to be moving much faster.
When you refer to a "checkerboard swap of acreage" in So. DeSoto/Sabine, can you be more specific, Mattie? What did CHK get and what did they give up?
I dont know what CHK gave up but they aquirred 81 leases in southern Desoto and Northern Sabine.If you will go to Sonris- DNR to hearings dated 10/06/09 Plesant Hill Field you will see Where CHK has appilied for 19 units in the above mentioned area
Yes, Encana assigned the leases and Chesapeake is forming up the 19 units. But these units are all new. There are still 100+ SWEPI units around Southern DeSoto and Northern Sabine. Very little activity is going on in these units.
I sure could use some help in finding on Sonris who/where/when new units have been applied for and/or assigned. For an example, were any of the 19 units mentioned above located in/around sec 5, T9N, S12W? Your help would be most appreciated.

S1-T9N-R12W, JUR RA SUJ Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S3-T9N-R12W, HA RA SUJ Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S6-T9N-R12W, HA RA SUK Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S8-T9N-R12W, HA RA SUL Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S9-T9N-R12W, HA RA SUM Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S10-T9N-R12W, HA RA SUN Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish

S31-T10N-R12W, HA RA SUBB Unit, Chesapeake, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S32-T10N-R12W, HA RA SUCC Unit, Chesapeake, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S33-T10N-R12W, HA RA SUMM Unit, Chesapeake, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S34-T10N-R12W, HA RA SUA Unit, Chesapeake, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S35-T10N-R12W, HA RA SUI Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
S36-T10N-R12W, JUR RA SUI Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
Go to sonris and look under the public hearings. The link to the specific application is :

Hope this helps.
Henry, Les B,
Thank you for your help and info......your contributions helps make GHS a very informative site for all of us.
Much,much faster. (cheasapeake)
No s..t! Calhoun 21 spud by SWEPI on October 31, 2008. September 25, 2009--waiting on pipeline!!!!

SWEPI safety manual two times thicker than drill and complete and connect to sales manual!!! BIG COMPANY.
Blackstone #239011 last entry was 6-17-09 Flowback. Does anyone know what is up with this well.



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