Anyone else get this?  Thought it was interesting since they were the first out of the handful of companies we deal with to offer any kind of buy out.

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I suspect one went out with every royalty check.

Perhaps so, for even I received one and my interests are in the Haynesville.

So Cobra, i.e., so snaky reptilian.

Like having a pickpocket in your mailbox.

what good business person doesn't try to "buy low."  the market for NG minerals couldn't be any lower.  Interestingly. they were also trying to buy when the market was sky high 3 years ago.

How does an ordinary person that is not savy to the discussions going on GHS weed out the good and bad offers? Cobra is a snake. I have seen many snakes, using many names, in the Haynesville Shale. Which one you gonna get bit by.

I guess my point is that people are trying to buy now when the market is low, but they were paying pretty good prices 3 years ago when the market is high.


If an ordinary person owns something of value, then they need to either educate themselves about the value of their thing, or hire someone who is smart and honest to be on their side.

Why don't you respond, just to see what they are offering?  Please let us know.

don't know if it is a new thing, but chesapeake owns a publicly traded royalty trust. they are probably trying to add to it i suppose.






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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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