Would someone please start a rumor or something?

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Voodoo Exploration found a lake of oil below the Haynesville Shale under Shreveport Louisiana. The lake is rumored to encompass all of Shreveport and Bossier City.

Yay!!!!! I have relatives there. Laughing out loud for real!

As the rumor goes Barksdale will be closed and all wells will be drilled on the air base. The fed gov will claim all minerals and overturn all Louisiana law of un-prescribing mineral ownership. 

Carl Ichan wants to move corporate offices of CHK to the Beck Building downtown. I do not know if it is true or not but I thought I saw Audrey eating at Strawns yesterday. He was surrounded by adoring mineral owners and local groupies.  

Y'all are good!!!!
So good that I actually googled Voodoo Exploration. Really.

How about David Letterman on Fracking? I thought it was a joke, it's so over the top and extremist.

But, he's serious - at least I think he's serious but i hope he's not. Does that count as a rumor?


For your reading entertainment from the GHS archives:  How Two Dogs got his Pirate.


Arrrg, looks like some of that thread is missing.

Sadly, some of those pirates are no longer with us. Gone to Davey Jones' Locker they are.  And when they walked the plank, they took their GHS posts with them.  Such a shame.  Arhhhh!

Skip & Two Dogs --

    Wasn't there some form of undergarment associated with the "pirate"


I believe it was red panties used as a flag.


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