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Huh?  I applaud the help to "mineral owners and managers," but that there is new and better technology has nothing to do with the decision to drill.  Price of oil does.  The degree of success certainly is influenced by new and better technology.  But other things besides horizontal drilling apply, things like 3 D seismic testing and analysis and hydraulic fracking equally apply.  But in the end, as my knowledgeable and intelligent cousins would say, "You gotta drill."   All the rest is talk and speculation regardless if you are an E&P person or a land owner.  The price of oil is the prime mover in the decision to drill.

Price of oil has little if any effect on lease terms.  I'm specifically pointing out that making lease decisions today on what happened years or decades ago is not a good course of action.


Agree in part as to your comments - but also disagree too!

Oil / Gas / NGL prices and economics are the deciding factor for an operator to take the risk to put a bit in the ground, but the associated technology is what gives operators the confidence that their drilling projects will be successful and their economics attained.

Specific Example - I am very familiar with a recent operator who jumped into a Permian Basin acquisition (of over $200MM) during a time of $30 oil prices with the objective of drilling highly economic wells with a projection of $35 oil prices.

The combination of drilling and lateral target selection plus completion / frac approaches as well as good pre spud G&G and Engineering work built the confidence level to make this decision.

Was this company successful? They "crushed it" when they sold their position to a larger player for MAJOR monetization event.

Poor technology = no confidence = no drilling / no matter what O&G prices are.

Roger that.  And there was a lot of money made in the Permian Basin, still  lot of money to be made.

BlackBrush, tanker trucks going in... 

Doug, please keep posting on tanker traffic and other info from the field!


It has been a few years since I was last active on this site.

I spent the morning reading through all of the replies here regarding the development of the AC in Louisiana and have been following the big-name companies moving into the play.

I have just learned that 46,000 acres in East Feliciana were leased for $1300 an acre. I wasn't involved in the transaction, and not sure if this is "new news" to this group.

Looking forward to seeing the play continue to develop eastward! 

All my best,

LBP, back just in time.  Thanks for the intel.  Can you share the name of the company that took the leases on those 46,000 acres in E Feliciana?

Hi Skip,

I don't know who took the leases, but I suspect there will be an announcement soon.

Hi, LBP.  Please let us know if/when you find out.

Will do.

Ground work is in progress for the oil well on Hwy 68 South of Jackson,La



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