My wife and I received a letter from Mark O'Neal & Associates, Inc. stating their formal notice of withdrawal of an offer to lease our mineral interests. We have never had any type of communication with this Land Company, or any other Land Company for that matter. Below is the contents of the letter we received today:


Mr. *******,

This letter is formal notice of the withdrawal of an offer to lease your mineral interests in Section 27, Township 18 North - Range 11 West, Bossier Parish, Louisiana, on behalf of Mark A. O'Neal & Associates, Inc.

If you received an Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease dated prior to November 24, 2009, it is no longer valid.

If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact our office at the above number. ((318) 221-0631)

William F. O'Neal, RPL
Mark A. O'Neal & Associates, Inc.


I'm not sure what to think about this letter. I did call the number provided but received no answer.

Can anyone help me understand what might be going on with this?

Thank you.

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Robert. Your section (27) is under HA unit order to Samson Contour. IMO, Mr. O'Neal's letter is an attempt at scare tactics. I would suggest that you not respond in any way to this letter. The unvarnished truth is that Samson Contour or whatever company will eventually develop your section will not wish to leave you unleased. I consider this an attempt to get you to accept an "opening offer". I suggest that you wait until such time as a HA well is permitted and drilling in your section. Keep two things in mind: One, there is no reason for Mr. O'Neal or Samson Contour to make you their best offer until a well is imminent, and Two, it is your option to lease at any time you choose including after a well is completed in your section. There are other considerations including the size and location of your tract within the section. Without knowing your specifics, this is the extent of the counsel that I will offer. Good Luck.
Perhaps, but why send a notice withdrawing an offer that they never made in the first place?
I guess thats why the letter says "if" you recieved an offer.
They may have sent out so many offers that they can't remember who they sent offers to.
I thought Mark O'neal worked for Chesapeake.
is Mark O'Neal broker/agent for Chesapeake?

googled Mark A. O'Neal & Associates, Inc as per letter posted in the blog and got

((318) 221-0631)=phone number in letter and matched website
Samson has recently completed a well in that section.
In my opinion,

Mark A. O'neal has been buying leases across a large area in the Haynesville Shale. They have numerous landman all making contacts, providing offers and sending mineral leases. Mark A. Oneal's client may have decided they no longer wish to pursue leases in a certain area and wished to formerly withdraw their offer. Usually, on large leasing projects, there is a database of names and properties to lease. Mark A. Oneal probably sent a letter to each name listed on the database.

I have had to do this a couple of times. But, we called each mineral owner and withdrew the offer.

I have no idea what happened here, but situations change and these things happen in the industry.
Followup to Ellis Hugh:

As a wise landman once taught me about contract law: "A formal offer to enter a contract stands until it is either (1) accepted, (2) rejected, (3) countered (which counts as a rejection of the current offer and the submission of a new offer, (4) withdrawn, or (5) expires (if no date or time of expiration is given, a landman should always anticipate that the timeframe that the offer would be considered will be longer than one would want it to be)."

If I had to venture a guess, the broker wanted to timely rescind any possible outstanding offers (perhaps due to the information supplied by Atlpilot, as sometimes mineral owners are willing to ride the well down only until one discovers a less than stellar completion, then would like to take the lease terms).
Samson recently completed a well in that section that tested 5mm/day on a 20/64 choke. For the HS that is not a strong well and may have influenced their decision. On the other hand, that may have had nothing to do with the letter. The reason for you receiving one is probably due to one of the reasons offered by the experts on this site. I am near your section and currently unleased, so best of luck to both of us. Atlpilot.
Thank you all for you replies.
website for leasing company...I tend to agree with Ellis Hugh



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