I received a letter from cobra petroleum company today wanting to purchase all of my mineral and rayalty intrest of my five acres in section 18 township 18 north range 11 west .It included a check for 250.00, it stated that once the check was cashed they would own the mineral rights to my five acres.Is there any activety in the portion of the Bossier Parish. The letter was signed by Mark Beaty does any one know Mark or anything about Cobra Petroleum Company out of Fort Worth Texas.



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1) Don't accept the offer.

2) If you ignore 1) be very careful. Some companies are sending out offers that make you think that you're going to get, for instance, $10,000, but if you read the fine print, you only get that amount of money under very limited (and extremely unlikely) conditions.
Mac is right, Read the fine print. There is usually wording to the effect that, based upon a prior period of production, they will pay up to $XXXX. But if there is little or no production, and payment is based upon production, you may be about to sell it for virtually nothing.
This is a very limited time that I wish the government would control (by approval process) of selling mineral rights. The elderly are taken advantage of and NOBODY does anything! I hate it.
We received one today also. This one included an offer to pay us 36 times what revenue is being produces now. I hope many of the older people don't fall for this. Reminds me of the incident 10 years ago. People offered me $11,000.00 for my share of the interests, we said no and a few days later a check was in the mail box for $30,000.00 for only 6 months of production. So lets do it again.
Can someone post the letter. It is probably not illegal, but maybe local tv stations would do an awarness campaign.
I just read some online documents concerning this company. Somehow we need to get the news out about them and others. As stated in the articles, it is NOT illegal to do what they are doing. I am sure others are doing the same thing.
This reminds me of a letter I received about 2 years ago. Some crawfish logo'd company would pay me $25.00 to be able to run Seismographic equipment on 1 acre of our land to assist Chesapeake Operating with their search and production of Minerals. If I had sold, they would have received everything that the 1 acre would produce. Meaning for the Production month of January 2010, they would have received $35.00. To tell you the truth, I wish the State could do more to increase our Royalty amounts. We were getting 1% of production with KCS / Petrohawk on one well. Now on another well they are paying us .77 % Maybe we need to form a Royalty Coalition. Where everyone in the Unit Acre is in agreement not to accept what's offered.
Good Grief!

The letter you received was a seismic permit to allow ingress/egress. You must not have read the permit. I'm not really sure how you could have came up with the conclusion you did from the permit. All it was is a permssion slip for the seismic contractor that was contracted to Chesapake (Dawson Geophysical) to enter and cross your property and conduct the seismic survey. You retain all of your minerals, surface rights and everything else.

No Siree David, this guy would retain all of the proceeds from that one acre. My Brother also received the same letter because we have a 30 / 10 acre split. He took it to an Attorney that he knows. The Attorney's comment was that it was not worth the paper it was printed on. The terms right of way or ingress / egress were not present.
I agree with SEISMIC DAVID. Scan the letter from the crawfish logo company for our review.
Sounds kinda coincidental that Dawson Geophysics was paying $25 an acre for a seismic permit to do a shoot for Chesapeake some time back.
The percentages listed on the permit were most likely referring to the percentage of the property that you own. The permits were under the name Cajun Exploration. Dawson Geophysical was the acquisition contractor and Chesapeake Energy was the client. Most likely, no equipment would have even been on your property due to the size. At most, a receiver line and/or geophones.


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