OIL AND GAS NEWS (LOCATIONS & COMPLETIONS) - JUNE 25, 2011 -shreveporttimes.com



Caddo Parish

 Kelly Bayou Production, Herring, 003, Sec. 24, T22N, R15W, Caddo Pine Island, 1200' MD, Nacatoch. 

 Kelly Bayou Production, Herring, 004, Sec. 24, T22N, R15W, Caddo Pine Island, 1200' MD, Nacatoch. 

 Petro-Chem Operating Co Inc, Noel Foundation, 001, Sec. 24, T21N, R15W, Caddo Pine Island, 4500' MD, Hosston. 

Bossier Parish

 Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra suyy; Schmidt 5-16-10h, 001, Sec. 004, T16N, R10W, Elm Grove, 17300' MD 12300' TVD, Haynesville RA. 

 Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra sun; Dutton etal 34h, 001, Sec. 34, T17N, R13W, Cedar Grove, 15273' MD 11078' TVD, Haynesville RA. 

Claiborne Parish

 Petro-Chem Operating Co Inc, u ha rc suk; Gipson est 18-13, 001-alt, Sec. 18, T23N, R6W, Haynesville, 10300' MD, Upper Haynesville. 

DeSoto Parish

 Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su62; CLLLC 28-12-15h, 001, Sec. 28, T12N, R15W, Logansport, 17500' MD 12000' TVD, Haynesville RA. 

 Comstock Oil & Gas LA LLC, Matthews 20 hz, 1, Sec. 17, T12N, R16W, Logansport, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Upper Bossier. 

 Comstock Oil & Gas LA LLC, Matthews 20 hz, 2, Sec. 17, T12N, R16W, Logansport, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Upper Jurrassic. 

 Comstock Oil & Gas LA LLC, Waynestella Realty 20 hz, 1, Sec. 17, T12N, R16W, Logansport, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Lower Haynesville. 

Comstock Oil & Gas LA LLC, Waynestella Realty 20 hz, 2, Sec. 17, T12N, R16W, Logansport, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Lower Bossier.

EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra sur; Moran 26, 003-alt, Sec. 26, T14N, R13W, Kingston, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra suuu; Pavillion 33, 002-alt, Sec. 33, T14N, R13W, Holly, 17500' MD 13500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra su53; CPS Timberlands 21h, 001, Sec. 28, T11N, R14W, Spider, 16859' MD 11440' TVD, Haynesville RA.

SWEPI LP, ha ra sub; San Patricio 7h, 3-alt, Sec. 007, T10N, R12W, Benson, 18300' MD 12900' TVD, Haynesville RA.

SWEPI LP, ha ra sub; San Patricio 7h, 4-alt, Sec. 007, T10N, R12W, Benson, 17600' MD 12500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

SWEPI LP, ha ra sub; San Patricio 7h, 5-alt, Sec. 007, T10N, R12W, Benson, 18100' MD 12900' TVD, Haynesville RA.

SWEPI LP, ha ra sub; San Patricio 7h, 6-alt, Sec. 007, T10N, R12W, Benson, 17500' MD 12500' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Jackson Parish

 Will-Drill Operating LLC, hoss ra su179; Davis Bros Heirs 10, 001, Sec. 10, T16N, R4W, Vernon, 9200' MD, Hosston.

Nachitoches Parish

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra sua; Cloud 5-13-7h, 001, Sec. 005, T13N, R7W, Ashland, 17200' MD 11800' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra sua; Bierden 23h, 001, Sec. 26, T11N, R10W, Red Oak Lake, 18568' MD 13353' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Red River Parish

Samson Contour Energy E&P LLC, ha rb su90;NRG 29h, 001, Sec. 29, T12N, R10W, Red River Bull Bayou, 17400' MD 12600' TVD, Haynesville RB.

SWEPI LP, ha ra suk; Sustainable fst 26, 4 alt, Sec. 23, T14N, R10W, Bracky Branch, 18200' MD 12800' TVD, Haynesville RA.

SWEPI LP, ha ra suk; Sustainable fst 26, 5 alt, Sec. 23, T14N, R10W, Bracky Branch, 18200' MD 12800' TVD, Haynesville RA.

SWEPI LP, ha ra suk; Sustainable fst 26, 6 alt, Sec. 23, T14N, R10W, Bracky Branch, 18200' MD 12800' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Sabine Parish

EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, Deanna Sistrunk 9h, 004, Sec. 16, T9N, R12W, Pleasant Hill, 18000' MD 12000' TVD, Lower Jurassic.

EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, Deanna Sistrunk 9h, 005, Sec. 16, T9N, R12W, Pleasant Hill, 18000' MD 12000' TVD, Upper Jurassic.

EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, Deanna Sistrunk 9h, 006, Sec. 16, T9N, R12W, Pleasant Hill, 18000' MD 12000' TVD, Middle Jurassic.

SWEPI LP, ha ra sul; Olympia Min 32, 001, Sec. 32, T9N, R12W, Bayou San Miguel, 18500' MD 13200' TVD, Haynesville RA.

Webster Parish

Mid South Trading Inc, Jonathan Armour, 001, Sec. 28, T23N, R9W, Shongaloo, 2990' MD, Buckrange.

Winn Parish

Justiss Oil Co Inc, Donner Properties etal, 001, Sec. 21, T9N, R4W, Wildcat, 3900' MD, Wilcox



Caddo Parish

COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su81; CHC 34-17-15, 001: 242165. WHERE: Greenwood Waskom, S 27. T. 17N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 12384 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 574 barrels water. PRESSURE: 5856 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11474-15938 feet, depth, 16038 feet.


COMPANY: G & S Oil Co, Midyett A, 8: 242534. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 24. T. 22N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 1 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 100 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 1038.5-1039.5 feet, depth, 1100 feet.


COMPANY: J W Operating Co, hoss ra su78; CBP 7, 3-alt: 233170. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 30. T. 16N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 1058 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 52 barrels water. PRESSURE: 211 lbs. SPECIFICS: Hosston RA; perforations, 6720-7270 feet, depth, 10810 feet.


COMPANY: Nadel & Gussman Jetts Oper Co, cv ra suc; Franks 18, 3-alt: 237711. WHERE: Dixie, S 18. T. 19N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 171 mcf gas on 48/64 choke; 3 barrels 58 gravity condensate; 11 barrels water. PRESSURE: 60 lbs. SPECIFICS: Cotton Valley; perforations, 8188-8192 feet, depth, 10615 feet.


COMPANY: T & F Oil Co, Houston, 10: 242275. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 30. T. 22N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 1 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 1 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 1071-1072 feet, depth, 1129 feet.

Bossier Parish

COMPANY: Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra su54; Bolton 26h, 1: 242008. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 35. T. 16N R. 11W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 6545 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 318 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7973 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12125-16685 feet, depth, 16800 feet.

Bienville Parish

COMPANY: Petrohawk Operating Co, ha ra supp; Sustainable FOR 22h, 1: 241642. WHERE: Lake Bistineau, S 27. T. 16N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 6752 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 248 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7542 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11511-16055 feet, depth, 16170 feet.


COMPANY: QEP Energy Co, ha ra su66; Parks 11-15-9h, 1: 241248. WHERE: Woodardville, S 11. T. 15N R. 9W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 13582 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 545 barrels water. PRESSURE: 8250 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville; perforations, 12465-17025 feet, depth, 17115 feet.


COMPANY: XTO Energy Inc, Emma Gardner, 2: 237522. WHERE: Lucky, S 11. T. 15N R. 7W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 15 mcf gas on 48/64 choke; 0 barrels 40 gravity condensate; 0 barrels water. PRESSURE: 65 lbs. SPECIFICS: Pettit; perforations, 6840-6860 feet, depth, 9631 feet.

Claiborne Parish

COMPANY: Tensas Delta Expl Co LLC, cv rb sua; M Scott etal, 1: 228350. WHERE: Dykesville, S 31. T. 23N R. 8W. DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on open/64 choke; 20 barrels 47.5 gravity condensate; 20 barrels water. PRESSURE: 40 lbs. SPECIFICS: Cotton Valley; perforations, 9206-9532 feet, depth, 11560 feet.

DeSoto Parish

COMPANY: Beusa Energy Inc, ha ra sub; Larry Franklin, 001: 240633. WHERE: Canadian Bayou, S 12. T. 12N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 4521 mcf gas on 12/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 347 barrels water. PRESSURE: 3900 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11644-15170 feet, depth, 15280 feet.


COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra suww; Jordan 14-12-12h, 1: 240893. WHERE: Red River Bull Bayou, S 14. T. 12N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 11313 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 764 barrels water. PRESSURE: 6370 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12295-16630 feet, depth, 16729 feet.


COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra suqq; LA Min 12-12-12h, 1: 241914. WHERE: Red River Bull Bayou, S 12. T. 12N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 15206 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 491 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7460 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 11967-16383 feet, depth, 16490 feet.


COMPANY: El Paso E&P Co, ha rb suoo; A V Young 7h, 3-alt: 242203. WHERE: Bethany Longstreet, S 7. T. 13N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 12799 mcf gas on 16/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 161 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RB; perforations, 12024-16523 feet, depth, 16563 feet.


COMPANY: El Paso E&P Co, ha ra sum; Franklin etal 10h, 2-alt: 242434. WHERE: Holly Field, S 3. T. 13N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 12566 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 227 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12451-17061 feet, depth, 17100 feet.


COMPANY: EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, ha rasue; Henry McKinney 14h, 1: 242202. WHERE: Holly, S 14. T. 14N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 24346 mcf gas on 25/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 192 barrels water. PRESSURE: no tbg lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12538-17027 feet, depth, 17108 feet.


COMPANY: EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, ha ra su54; Jackson Davis 26h, 8 alt: 241823. WHERE: Caspiana, S 26. T. 15N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 11203 mcf gas on 20/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 432 barrels water. PRESSURE: no tbg lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville; perforations, 11917-16221 feet, depth, 16573 feet.


COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra suvv; Freeman 19, 1-alt: 241862. WHERE: Caspiana, S 30. T. 14N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 14922 mcf gas on 20/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 145 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12516-16823 feet, depth, 16927 feet.


COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra suh; Holoubek Fly LLC 28, 3-alt: 241610. WHERE: Holly, S 28. T. 14N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 13213 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 119 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12526-16704 feet, depth, 16932 feet.


COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra suzz' Lady Oaks Farms 20, 2-alt: 241572. WHERE: Caspiana, S 17. T. 14N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 17136 mcf gas on 24/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 100 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12446-17007 feet, depth, 17115 feet.

Red River Parish

COMPANY: Petrohawk Operating Co, ha rasuff; Wilk-almond 13h, 1: 242394. WHERE: Gahagan, S 13. T. 12N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 8087 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 165 barrels water. PRESSURE: 9438 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 13045-16581 feet, depth, 16694 feet.

Sabine Parish

COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su63; Whitney 36-10-14h, 1: 242015. WHERE: Converse, S 36. T. 10N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 12120 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 936 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7015 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12188-16550 feet, depth, 16658 feet.


COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra sukk; Woolridge 23-10-12h, 1: 241824. WHERE: Pleasant Hill, S 23. T. 10N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 18222 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 171 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7965 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12876-17278 feet, depth, 17382 feet.

Webster Parish

COMPANY: Brammer Engineering Inc, umpt rb sua; Sale 18, 001: 242678. WHERE: Minden, S 18. T. 19N R. 8W. DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on 48/64 choke; 35 barrels 11 gravity condensate; 12 barrels water. PRESSURE: 130 lbs. SPECIFICS: Upper Mooringsport RA; perforations, 6790-6826 feet, depth, 7109 feet.


COMPANY: John J Welsh, Crichton Heirs, 2: 20903. WHERE: Cotton Valley, S 33. T. 21N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 25 barrels 42 gravity condensate; 1 barrels water. PRESSURE: 20 lbs. SPECIFICS: Pettit; perforations, 5570-5575 feet, depth, 5776 feet.


COMPANY: John J Welsh, pet ra sud; L C Cox, 3-alt: 242828. WHERE: Cotton Valley, S 22. T. 21N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 113 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 0 barrels 59 gravity condensate; 0 barrels water. PRESSURE: 45 lbs. SPECIFICS: Pet RA; perforations, 5503-5508 feet, depth, 5975 feet.


COMPANY: XTO Energy Inc, cv su; XTO J Babb 14, 2: 242110. WHERE: Cotton Valley, S 14. T. 21N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 1167 mcf gas on 16/64 choke; 11.35 barrels 64.2 gravity condensate; 22.6 barrels water. PRESSURE: 2170 lbs. SPECIFICS: Gray; perforations, 10454-11214 feet, depth, 11450 feet.

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I think Encana is doing some serious number crunching to see if 20 stage fracs are worth the extra expense that Skip noted. One thing for sure, 20 stage fracs produce a higher IP. The Land & Knowels 20H came in at 22,318 MCFD on a 25/64 choke, with a 20 stage frac. It's going to interesting to see how many frac stages section 4 & 9 gas factory wells get.

There is a lot of innovation and experimentation by multiple operators aimed at lowering costs and enhancing productions.  Here is an "open hole completion" system from Baker Hughes.  Frac Point System:


No minerals for me in this area.  Family has some in Montana, but not in Bakken shale do no development.  


I would be a chore to pull out the data, but I'm curious if there has been a trend toward higher median IP as less economic areas are being avoided and completion techniques have been refined.  

That would take a lot of research time.  Les B. is the only one who might already have the parameters of that search in his database.  It would certainly make sense that average or median IP rates would improve with the trend away from unit wells and to multiple alternate unit wells as illustrated in the IPs from the alternate wells in this article.

I have to make public a conversation I recently had with a fairly high up Encana exec.

He is right now in Canada involved in their high level decision making process.

Our conversation went like this:

Me: What about Encana  pulling there wells hard from the beginning.

Him: We want to make gas.

Me: Do you think that is in the best interest on the mineral owners?

Him: We don't care about the mineral owners.

And I could go on about him saying that reduced IP rates increasing overall ultimate recoveries are not proven and Encana could care less about what other companies say about that.

Now we know what Encana thinks about your mineral interest.

BirdDawg, I would imagine most operators would have the same feelings toward mineral owners. We are a means to their end. I imagine they'd do away with us all together if they could. They use us and we use them I suppose. However, I do believe they'd do what's best for themselves by making the wells as profitable as possible. I don't see a lot of overly large sized chokes so I don't think they're being overzealous. The decline rates I've seen via EnCana are pretty good so maybe the reduced choke isn't all it is cracked up to be....I don't know. Beggars can't be choosers so I'm happy either way. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush I suppose.
How long are well permits good for?
In LA., an operator can apply for a six month or a twelve month permit.  The twelve month option was added about a year or so into the HA Play as operators were having a lot of six month permits expire before they could spud a well.
So if a well permitted on sonris is more than six month old and hasn't been spudded..it's likely a 1 year permit..huh?..will it say if the permit has expired, if that's the case, or will they remove it on their maps?
If you wish to know whether a permit is six or twelve months, you can post the serial number and I will tell you or you can look it up yourself in SONRIS Classic.  Yes, when a permit is expired it will be notated on SONRIS LIte  after the fact.  However that  portion of the database does not contain the actual permit application which is where the length of permit is stated.

I was just looking at several HS wells showing on sonris in nearby sections that has not had any activity..the well status says 01...or permitted when clicked on..one well says permitted back in Nov. 2010..that's been more than 6 mo ago..

I was wondering what will happen to them if their permits expire..

Wells may not be drilled under expired S/Ns.  If the operator wishes to drill a well in that location, they must apply for a new permit which will carry a different S/N.  S/Ns are not reused after they expire.


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