Having property in this area is like riding a roller coaster!!!!!

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Like the one outside of New Orleans after Katrina hit!

Why do you say it is like a roller coaster?  Because of the leaser price per acre or terms, or is it that it occurs each time the price of oil per barrel gets around a $100, or just dealing with land men?  To have the land is good, to have a mineral lease is better, to have someone drilling is wonderful.  Which is it?

It appears the price of oil is holding up, indeed even going up further.  Of course, the Strait of Hormus has a bit to do with the world price of oil but the demand is rising while it is declining in the US.  And we have a President that does not seem to have a clue about the economy, the use of energy and the value of minerals.

It appears that these leases have been abandon in PC by Anadarko. They don't even include the Austin Chalk in their portfoilio. Maybe it is just a big secret. I am glad to see Atinum is planning on doing some exploration in PC.

I think not, Anadarko is using Basin Resources to do their leasing in Pointe Coupee, and we have an active one.  They paid a pretty penny to lease our holdings and the lease is not yet a year old.  So give them time.  Perhaps, and it is wishful thinking, they went after the best first.  I do think they are still trying to figure out the Louisiana Austin Chalk drilling processes.  They drill three wells, one in Pointe Coupee and two in Avoyelles, all are producers or look to be producers.  But their technique may not as yet be up to speed.  We will know if they abandon the lease which is by the way for both Tuscaloosa Trend and Austin Chalk, different royality rates.

Where is the activity? Where is the reporting? Our lease is 1.25 years old and it can expire and they can lease it again in 1.75 years. I just don't see Anadarko reporting anything on the Austin Chalk. Based on this lack of public reporting I am glad I did not invest in their stock.

What was the duration of the lease?  Common now days for the lease to be three years long with two annual renewal options.  That is a five year window to drill.  We have been leased four times since 1980s.  All but one of the leases included both Tuscaloosa Trend and Austion Chalk stratas.  We had one lease that just included Austin Chalk for a year and then they came up with a new lease that included both.  That is a span of 32 years.  And you are concerned about 1.25 years.  I think you are a little over ambitious.  There is a lot of money to risk and the production companies take their time.

Anadarko LA. wells for the last year.


243247 LACOUR 43 001 ACTIVE PRODUCING  A162 4976 13-MAY-11 043-03S-08E

243462 LACOUR 42 001 PERMIT EXPIRED  A162 4976 28-JUN-11 042-03S-08E

243636 AUS C RA SUH;GASRS 23 001 PERMIT EXPIRED  A162 2117 03-AUG-11 023-01S-11W

243644 AUS C RC SUA;GASRS 31 001 PERMIT EXPIRED A162 7388 08-AUG-11 031-01N-09W

244014 AUS RA SUKK;RABALAIS 35 001 SHUT IN DRY HOLE - FUTURE UTILITY A162 0800 25-OCT-11 035-01S-06E

244416 AUS C RA SUH;GASRS 23 001 PERMITTED  A162 2117 07-FEB-12 023-01S-11W

244429 AUS C RA SUR;GASRS 29 001 PERMITTED  A162 2117 09-FEB-12 029-01S-11W

244652 AUS C RC SUK;FORESTAR MIN 18 001 PERMITTED  A162 7388 28-MAR-12 018-01S-09W

244860 AUS C RA SUS;GASRS 34 001 PERMITTED  A162 2117 11-MAY-12 034-01S-11W

Skip, what does the future of the Dominique Well look like to you?  Do you think that Anadarko will drill more wells in that area?


Personally, I think APC is through in this area. They obviously do not know what they are doing. The Oil is there and its produceable if done right.

Updating the list above, it appears that Anadarko is having much better results in Vernon Parish. 




The Avoyelles results would not appear to be favorable for additional exploration at this time.

From an investment point of view. Leasing up land just to tie it up is not a good investment. The money spent on a lapsed lease is not good management.

I am new to this game with old family land and I will tell you what my father who has past told me. His grandmother and her sisters used to rock on the porch waiting for that oil well to come in. Generations come and go my friend just hope they hit it in yours.


We signed a lease with Anadarko, 38 months remaining, in West Feliciana south of St. Francisville. From what we have heard they have no plans to drill in the area. Is it possible Anadarko would sell their acreage in this area to one of the companies targeting the TMS. I believe Anadarko is the only company with leases in the southern part of the parish, while Encana and Devon have everything in north WF.  Is it possible the TMS play will extend this far south?


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