Rig count at 24 versus 200
Gas prices at $2 versus $12
All Good Acreage HBP
Most Industry Professionals Gone

Bottom line is sad in my opinion

Maybe it will come back but I fear it will not.

I for one don't visit this site to see a post of the latest natural gas link that anyone with a computer can find. I liked the discussions about wells being drilled. Oh well.


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ShaleGeo (a.k.a, Jay):

I would post a thread about KerrMcGee (Anadarko) and a certain smaller operator (with HA's in Bossier Parish) . . . but I'm betting that you're in that loop already.  Could be you have someone's ear in the Houston acquisitions department, i.e., a deep-rights buyout (which if true -- in this case -- would probably be a good thing).

Anyway, I'm way too busy tonight to start a new thread.

Noticed no buzz on GHS about it as of yet.  Nonetheless, could be a member will chirp up soon.



yes it has Jay. At least you got people talking again!!! That is refreshing


Thanks Skip,

I also have found that little search bar up at the top right hand corner of GHS pages extremely useful. I wonder how many people ever notice or try to use it.  Website organization often does not fit everyone's native internal mapping system, but with a little practice search can cut past that. My experience has been that keywords/topics of particular interest to myself will come up in discussions that I might not have had any idea to follow. 

And dreaming out loud, Keith - when you inherit another lifetime and fortune - graphic play/activity maps that link by area directly to related discussion groups could be a "nice" interface. With a small mineral interest in Newton county, I only recently put together the connection of the TMS and the Eagleford/Eaglebine/Woodbine that I believe Joe is referring to above. Maps have always been a valuable part of GHS. But it would be really cool if some could be woven into the interface/navigation of the site. (Just dreaming)

You're welcome, ledlights.  I would however remind Keith that not every member or potential GHS member has broad band and fast computers.  The more gizmos added to the site makes the life of those on dial up tough.  I'm reminded of this every time I'm in the Ouachita Mountains and try to access the site.  It...........is..........SLOOOOW!

Skip-- when up in Ouachita if you have signal have you tried your smartphone?

No cell service

Skip-- typical  for Arkansas

I understand Skip. What I had in mind would not necessarily (I hope) require animation or any kind of active processing that would take up more bandwidth or slow us down.

In any event, I prefer navigation methods to be provided as alternatives and not cattle chutes that everyone has to go through. I don't know if I could handle dial up now.

interesting. perhaps nowadays GHS best use is for professionals and people seeking to lease. Nothing wrong with that.


However, I'm largely interested in moving shale gas forward as the "fuel of the future" we all thought it was 3 years ago.  We are victims of our own success and simply found a lot of gas. Now, we need more a lot more uses for all the gas that we have found.


and, I am interested in gizmos - techno ideas that will make fracking even cleaner and better. anyone know of a blog that discusses new ideas and shale gas?  I figure the policy/politics blogs will be too full of people yelling and no one listening.  New technology to use natural gas is what I'd like to see more of.



It seems (and this hypothesis could be wrong); but it does seem as though GHS has sorta plateaued.


Well, in all honesty, GHS has always "mostly" been about making money (or, y'know, gathering intel so as to manage an asset) . . . via whatever member's interest in logging onto this site.

When leasing was hot and heavy, folks completely new to inking an O&G deal signed up as members so as to be able to figure out the truth about what was a good offer as opposed to what was a bad offer.  Motivated landowners were also seeking insight on the trickery of the boiler-plate lease clauses and how to add in more favorable clauses.

Plus, many O&G professionals (but not all) have always been on here to mine info from folks who cough up info via posting the particulars of whatever situation and thus to use such info to their advantage for intel (and many still are doing this).

So, with so much land now HBP-ed and so few new leases being signed, the interface has dropped off.

Indeed, and that would seem to be a normal life cycle considering the circumstances.

It should also be noted, per the above, that if the hypothesis is valid, then the sharing of info seems to be moving to a much slower pace, which means the old days of high drama and tons of postings will probably not return (unless a so-called new money shoe drops to bring in fresh members and/or bring back the dormant old members so as to seek new insight into how to manage their mineral estates).

Of course, when NG tops $4 or maybe $4.50 -- and when it appears that such pricing might not be a short-term fluke, then the drilling of the alternate wells could also proceed to bring in chatter.

Conversely, if NG -- for whatever reason -- takes a dip, then probably GHS site activity will dip also.

Only time will tell.

Good luck to all the honest folks (i.e., the goodhearted GHS members) who have made the site such a great resource for all involved. 




Maybe folks got tired of hearing about aluminum foil hats and shrinkwrap instead of actual conversations about oil and gas.


  Moving shale gas forward as the "fuel of the future" sounds like something everyone could get behind (even the aluminum foil hat crowd), but that only my opinion.


  I miss the camaraderie  that most of the folks on the site had.


  I bet that if the site moves in the direction some of that excitement and fellowship would begin again.




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