OneOK has contacted me about gaining a row agreement. They are offering 200.00 a rod for 92.7 rods. They want to go from the front of my property through my favorite oak grove [about 100 trees 24 to 60 inches around at chest hight] then continue through a tree line that buffers the road noise and then will turn right at another pipeline and cut through fences and more less desireable trees. I guess my questions are. Is 200.00 a rod a fair price and can i get more? How do I place a value on my trees? And will this devalue my property and how much?  Oh I live in Hunt Co. Texas 45 miles east of Dallas.

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Lots of us in the Region 3 group are following this pipeline, is it will probably help enable more take away capacity in the area.  There are several others there following this pipeline, although hopefully some folks here can answer your question about if its a lot.

Regarding the trees, they are very hard to value in rural areas, as the value they give a property is somewhat intangible.  If I were the landowner, I would tend to value them at a cost similar to what it would cost to replace them with trees of similar size.  Believe it or not, it is possible to relocate big trees, although the cost can be high and the success spotty.  You might search for companies specializing in moving big trees and get a ballpark on them.  Its going to be hard to get the pipeline to pay what those might actually be worth.

Thanks dbob, I'll call a tree co. might be a starting point.

I hired a professional forester to give me an evaluation of the timber on my home place.  This was needed to establish a base value of the timber when I might decide to harvest some of it.  Also, since I am in south Louisiana I needed such an evaluation in the case of catastrophic loss such as might happen in a hurricane.  There are tax issues at play in both of these possible developments.  You might consider talking with a professional forestry person about your timber and what can be done to mitigate the loss that you face.  I am amazed at the insights afforded me by the fellow with whom I worked. 

$200/rod seems very low. It doesn't hurt to ask for more... but i'm not sure how much more.  $400/rod? Talk to your neighbors to see what they got.  "cocodrie man" had a good idea to hire a forester for the tree estimate.  Your local ASCS or Texas Forestry Service might help find someone. jhh

Here's the Hunt County Ag Extension Office web site.  I know... they changed their name to something odd... but it's the same place

sorry... here's the last.

Texas Forestry Service

Thanks guys, this is all good stuff. If I ask for 400.00 a rod will that include trees. My neighbors places have less trees where the line will go than my place has.

That would be plus trees.  The $400/rod might be high... might be low.  Ask around to see what others got.  remember, the first offer is usually low... but work with them.  The Forestry Service has a link under landowners (i think it's there) that shows you the latest costs for pulpwood and hardwood in different regions of the state.

If at all possible, get a value for the large trees for their aesthetic value, not just their timber value.

I am in Louisiana.  My last ROW lease (about a year ago)  was $550/rod plus timber compensation.

I am in Trinity County.  They offered me $200/rod on approx.106 rods plus $1800 damages.  I countered with $500/rod plus $7000 damages and they took it.  I may have left some money on the table.  :-(

Mine is basically raw pasture land and I will only lose a couple of large hardwoods.  They are paralleling four existing pipelines on my property.  I hope this helps.

They were very easy to deal with and the check was cut for 50% ROW and 50% damages.

Be sure to add a Schedule A to the agreement with necessary changes.  Eric Camp has good suggestions in his blog -

Chuck,  I would have to know more about the size of the line, permanent and temporary right of way width, etc., but I handle these all the time in my law practice and the first offer is seldom the best offer.  Negotiating a pipeline right of way is about more than just the money.  I encourage you to find an attorney with experience in pipeline right of way to help you with the document preparation and negotiations. 



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