Indigo Minerals LLC, Mary T Havens etal 27h, 001, Sec. 27, T14N, R16W, Bethany Long­street, 15500’ MD 10500’ TVD, Lower Cotton Valley.

Indigo Minerals LLC, cv ra su68; Sabine Uplift 21h, 002­alt, Sec. 21, T14N, R16W, Be­thany Longstreet, 15500’ MD 10500’ TVD, CV RA.



COMPANY: Indigo Minerals LLC, cv ra su125: Sibley Lake Rlty 3h, 001: 245271. WHERE: Bethany Longstreet, S 34. T. 15N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 4870 mcf gas on 44/64 choke; 27 barrels 58 gravity condensate; 816 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIF­ICS: Cotton Valley RA; perfo­rations, 10612-14055 feet, depth, 14171 feet.


COMPANY: BoMar Oil & Gas Inc, C B Hodges, 3: 245662. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 24. T.16N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 1/2 barrels 32 gravity condensate; 300 barrels water. PRESSURE: pumping lbs. SPECIFICS: Ozan; perfora­tions, 1550-1554 feet, depth, 1554 feet.

COMPANY: BoMar Oil & Gas Inc, C B Hodges, 4: 245663. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 24. T. 16N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2.9 barrels 32 gravity condensate; 300 barrels water.
PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Ozan; perforations, 1550-1554 feet, depth, 1554 feet.

COMPANY: BoMar Oil & Gas Inc, C B Hodges, 5: 246059. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 24. T. 16N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 4 barrels 32 gravity condensate; 300 barrels water.
PRESSURE: pumping lbs. SPECIFICS: Ozan; perfora­tions, 1550-1551 feet, depth, 1633 feet.

COMPANY: BoMar Oil & Gas Inc, C B Hodges, 7: 246223. WHERE: Elm Grove, S 24. T.16N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 1.1 barrels 32 gravity condensate; 300 barrels water.
PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Ozan; perforations, 1550-1554 feet, depth, 1554 feet.


COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su59; Rascoe 1-10-14h, 1: 244263. WHERE: Benson, S 12. T. 10N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 13080 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity con­densate; 672 barrels water. PRESSURE: 6505 lbs. SPECIF­ICS: Haynesville RA; perfora­tions, 11534-15907 feet, depth, 16025 feet.

COMPANY: Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha ra su62; Rascoe 12-10-14h, 1: 244835. WHERE: Benson, S 12. T. 10N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 13272 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity con­densate; 432 barrels water. PRESSURE: 6475 lbs. SPECIF­ICS: Haynesville RA; perfora­tions, 11657-15932 feet, depth, 16041 feet.

COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, ha ra sum; Branch Ranch 25, 003-alt: 244536. WHERE: Kingston, S 25. T. 14N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 14200 mcf gas on 20/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity con­densate; 528 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIF­ICS: Haynesville RA; perfora­tions, 12584-16848 feet, depth, 16945 feet.


COMPANY: SWEPI LP, ha ra suz; Glover 20, 001: 244861. WHERE: Gahagan, S 17. T. 12N R. 10W. DAILYPRODUCTION: 15050 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity con­densate; 163 barrels water. PRESSURE: thru csing lbs.SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 13485-17548 feet, depth, 17722 feet.

COMPANY: SWEPI LP, ha ra suz; Glover 20, 002-alt: 244965. WHERE: Gahagan, S 17. T. 12N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 12499 mcf gas on 16/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 154 bar­rels water. PRESSURE: thru csing lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynes­ville RA; perforations, 13410-17503 feet, depth, 17663 feet.

COMPANY: SWEPI LP, ha ra suz; Glover 20, 003-alt: 244966. WHERE: Gahagan, S 17. T. 12N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 15081 mcf gas on 17/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 201 bar­rels water. PRESSURE: thru csing lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynes­ville RA; perforations, 13548-17646 feet, depth, 17765 feet.


COMPANY: EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc, ha ra sub; Terry Greer 16h, 1: 245693. WHERE: Bayou San Miguel, S 16. T. 9N R. 12W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 15350 mcf gas on 20/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity con­densate; 672 barrels water. PRESSURE: thru csg lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations, 12621-17201 feet, depth, 17340 feet.

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Skip------- What's the latest numbers of new drilling permits in the HA and remaining approved permits undrilled that you have seen any data on?

Haynesville Well Count As of April 13:

Producing:  2148

Waiting On Completion:  140

Drilling In Progress:  33

Permitted, Not Drilling:  64

Permitted not drilled getting lower and lower -- not long before inventory drilled--- any new permits showing up? Especially any new units not HBP. I suspect everything leased that are good prospects are in plans drilling to make HBP---you hear of any new leases anywhere in Dry gas

Yes to new permits.  Especially EnCana & SWEPI.  Mostly alternate unit wells but some new unit wells.

Encouraging to hear of new unit wells

Just 1 in last 30 days.  On the other end of the spectrum KCS permitted an 18th. and a 20th. alternate in one unit, S36-15N-13W.  Everyone's unit should have 20 wells.  LOL!

BHP at least has the money to drill out a unit -- S36-15N-13W must be in sweet core area-- maybe by 2100 all HBP unit will have 20 wells -- don't think you or I will see it. LOL!

The Haynesville will be drilled out by 2030 and production will have declined to insignificant levels by 2060, if not sooner.  I don't think you will see it either.  I'll be 108.  LOL!


is 2030 tongue in cheek, random guess, or a reasonable target?

2030 maybe I be only 90 ---- BTW why still high # 140 waiting to be completed? Lack of Fac Crews or Operator choice not to increase more supplies into market--what's you thought?

dbob, if you basically ignore 2008 for the simple reason that there were few wells drilled and completed, then 2009 to present saw approximately 2100 wells drilled and completed.  Those years cover steady drilling under good pricing and the need to hold leases and years of slowing production under poor pricing and rapidly declining requirement to drill to hold leases.  The average would be in the neighborhood of 466 wells drilled, completed and turned to sales per annum. Seventeen and half additional years averaging in that range would give us about 10,250 Haynesville wells.  At one time it appeared likely that operators would seek to reduce well spacing in areas of better rock which would have rendered that number short of the actual.  Now it appears that the intent is to drill the longest practical laterals covering multiple units/section (cross unit laterals/PSAs).  Of course this is all speculation based on data in the Louisiana state O&G databases.  If I'm close on LA, I think things will be much the same for E TX.  The larger of the unknowns is the productive life of the average Haynesville horizontal well.  Thirty years is likely over optimistic.  Twenty may be closer to the actual.

adubu, may you live to see the last Haynesville well drilled, at least.  As to completion dynamics, I do not have sufficient information to form an opinion.


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