Is there a way to locate a well in Sabine parish I am in LA and would like to see it the wells are 242529 and 243536. Thanks for your help.

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Bob L:

Two ways to do so on SONRIS:

1) Use the GIS function - zoom in on the general area where the wells should be located (turn on the township and section layers to assist in well location), turn on the well layer and labels and locate the well by serial number.

2) Go into the well files, via documents, and at the search window select "well file historic" or related, enter the serial number, make sure to select the check box marked "related documents" then search. One of the first files (usu. well permit/amend" will have about 4 - 7 pages) will contain a well location plat.

If you have any problems, look in the SONRIS help section here on GHS.

242529:  Section 19-9N-11W

Long.  -93.53799415 Lat.  31.74455589

243536:  Section4-8N-12W

Long. -93.60007004  Lat.  31.70017768

Thanks for the replies, is it possible to find driving directions to the two wells? I see the wells on GIS but when I zoom there are driving directions or on the plot map. Thanks again, I remember seeing years a map that gave directions to the wells.

Go West on Hwy 174 from Pleasant Hill Take a left on Old Pleasant Hill Road probably the second exit to the south (left) after you get out town. Take a left on Free Rd that will be a couple or three miles, then go about a mile to the East and that will put you in the North end of the unit.

Wow, thanks a lot, I am sitting in a motel in Alexandria LA thinking about leaving the state, I live up North but always wanted to see Vicksburg civil war sites. Are these directions for 242529 or 243536? Also could you provide directions to the other one. Thanks again for all the replies. There is a civil war site at Mt. Pleasant too.

I am across the Red River from you in Pineville. Have you checked out the Civil War sites on my side of the river Forts Randolf and Buhlow

Thanks for the civil war info. Do you know the driving directions to the other well?

Turn off Old Pleasant Hill Rd onto Big Woods Rd about 3 miles North of Zwolle and head back North for 4 or 5 miles. It Should be up there somewhere. It will be 2 or 3 miles South of the other well.

Found the wells, very exciting and interesting to actually see the well pads, wow there are wells all over the place in that area, and lots of trees and very small dirt roads. Certainly worth the trip to see the well area and the countryside there. Thanks again everyone for your help.



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