Excerpt:  "Standard Lithium Ltd. (“Standard Lithium” or the “Company”) (TSXV: SLI) (NYSE American: SLI) (FRA: S5L), a leading near-commercial lithium company, is pleased to announce that, as part of its significant resource expansion work in the East Texas Smackover region, it has sampled, to the best of its knowledge, the highest confirmed lithium grade brine in North America, with a grade of 634 mg/L lithium. In Standard Lithium’s experience, the grade of lithium in brine used for Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) has a meaningful impact on both capital expenditures and operating costs in connection with the extraction process, with a higher grade typically resulting in lower overall costs.


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Attached below is PDF showing all vertical permits below 9000' in NE Texas counties over the past 12 months. This will include Smackover plus probably Cotton Valley SS and Bossier.

The yellow figures are the permits.

Rig activity also included here.

Note that there is a lot of vertical and Hz active in southern Cass County chasing what I believe is Bossier SS oil play.

Note the permits in Hopkins and Franklin Counties. Plus the one in NW Cass County.

We know that some lithium activity around Linden in SE Cass County.


Thanks, Rock Man.  Wasn't the early Cass County scuttlebutt in a field in the NW corner of the county?

Rumors were @ NW Cass near Bryans Mill Field. Also rumors about SE Cass around Linden (historical Stroud wells / re-entries).

  • NW Cass well is permitted by ETNR Operating - never heard of them and no website that I can find. Well not drilled yet.
  • Permit for this well attached.

Good chance this is a lithium operation.

From previous post, the rig on the permit spot near Linden is Longfellow Energy - a Dallas based O&G group / probably not a lithium operation.


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Checked other permits in Cass County from the previous post - all of them except for the Longfellow Energy and ETNR Operating wells are either Barrow Shaver or Rose City Resources.

These two operators are chasing Cotton Valley Lime both vertically and horizontally in southern Cass County

Last post of three on this topic - the two vertical permits in Hopkins and Franklin Counties are both by SW Operating out of Tyler. Both wells are drilled and "completed" - See attached forms.

In both cases, they ran pipe to the Smackover, perforated that section and then squeezed the perforations.

Have to wonder if SW is operating these wells for a third party - perhaps a lithium group.

The testing and squeezing would not be done under normal O&G exploration operations. And filing completion reports like they have is not normal for O&G ops.

Best guess - these are lithium operations being done "stealth" by unknown party using SW Operating as their shield.


I know John (but not very well personally) from over the years in E Tx. Good engineer and hustler - have a lot of stripper / old wells that he operates for himself but has been known to do contract operator work for third parties (similar to Brammer Engineering).

Not surprised.  You geologist/petroleum engineers are a chummy lot.  John is SW Operating.

Here is wellbore diagram for Franklin Co SW Operating well (can only do three attachments per post)


Pantera Minerals leases more lithium land in Lafayette County

magnoliareporter.com  February 5, 2024

Pantera Minerals Limited has announced that the acquisition of additional acreage has increased the Superbird Lithium Brine Project to 13,457 acres in Lafayette County, with a further 8,600 acres under negotiation.

Pantera has entered into a binding agreement with Daytona Lithium Pty Ltd to acquire 100% of the issued share capital in Daytona Lithium, the holder of the Superbird Lithium Brine Project.

The company currently holds the right to acquire up to a 35% interest in the issued share capital of Daytona Lithium, through a $2 million Convertible Note Facility.

Daytona Lithium has established a conceptual exploration target ranging from 436,000 to 2,966,000 tonnes of contained Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (“LCE”) within the project’s 50,000 acre Exclusive Abstract Area, which houses the Superbird Project.

The estimate is based on lithium concentrations ranging between 225 mg/L and 450 mg/L with a median value of 338mg/L, showcasing the potential world-class scale of the project. The exploration target’s potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature, there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a JORC compliant Mineral Resource, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of a such a resource.

Since Pantera’s initial investment, the Superbird Lithium Project has increased materially from 5,325 to now cover a land position of 13,457 leased acres, an increase of 152%.

Spindletop for the 21st century: Has the East Texas lithium race begun?

By: Sam Shaw, Reporter, Longview-News Journal


This article is very comprehensive and a piece of excellent journalism.  The link above takes you to a Premium site for the article but I understand from Mr. Shaw it will become un-paywalled next week.  My email is amidad@aol.com.  If you send me a request, I'll provide you with a PDF of the story.

Until then here is the introduction:

For three years, a Canadian mining company called Standard Lithium operated in near-total secrecy, setting up shell companies, securing mineral leases across Northeast Texas and drilling wells to sample an underground ocean of brine called the Smackover Formation.

Ten thousand feet beneath Cass County, the company found what it was looking for in the salty mixture — lithium, the key mineral for most electric batteries and an emerging centerpiece to global green energy plans.  Then the company found something better.

In March 2023, Standard said it discovered the highest grade of lithium in North America near McLeod, a stone’s throw from the Louisiana border. An even higher grade sample was exhumed in October further to the west in Franklin County.

Brine leasing exploded in Cass, Morris, Titus and Franklin counties as other companies followed suit behind Standard, drilling the Smackover Formation in search of the lithium sweet spot.  While Standard and its competitors say they’ve discovered a lithium goldmine below Northeast Texas, they also are making a case to land owners, lawmakers and investors about why the industry will improve the region, not damage it.

That pitch hinges on how the brine will be mined, which differs sharply from methods used almost anywhere else. The experimental technique called Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) eschews destructive pit mines and evaporation pools for a fracking-style well.

DLE siphons the brine slurry from the earth, filtering out the lithium and reinjecting the waste fluid back underground.  At stake is a slice of U.S. lithium demand, a pie predicted to grow to $55 billion by the end of the decade, according to a Reuters report.  The U.S. produces just 1 percent of global lithium, and the prospect of localizing those dollars in rural Northeast Texas — and reducing dependence on China’s battery supply chain — has made a state built by oil an unlikely champion of green energy’s favorite mineral.

Environmentalists and federal policymakers believe shoring up the supply of domestic lithium could have national or even global implications. Driving down the cost of the mineral could hasten the transition to electric vehicles and large battery packs that store renewable energy — all key steps, they argue, for cooling a warming atmosphere.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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