Has anyone signed a gas lease in Plain Dealing or in the N.W corner of La.? Maybe it has not come this far North. We have 240 acres close to the Red River bridge in Plain Dealing and have not heard from anyone. Anyone have any info?

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Give me Sec., township & range
I am also interested in any information about North Bosssier as a land owner in the old Wardview community. My property is located in T23N, R14W, Section 27, approx 220 acres. My e mail address is steverzrbk@aol.com if you prefer to contact me direct.
Look at the latest on tigerdroppings.com and ck. out land just leased in Sec. 20 north of Caddo pine island field for $10000 an acre!!!! Look under topic Haynesville shale north of Benton!!
I wonder how far east it goes? That land was west of the red river right?
I'm wonder about closer or actually in Plain Dealing.
Hopefully, it's coming our way.
ExcitedBossier....Did I or did I not see on another thread that you were organizing a group of people with property in Plain Dealing? I have right at 4 acres within the city limits and would like to join the group if that is what you are doing. I can't find the thread now....please tell me how to get back to it and what I must do to join in with the rest of the group. Didn't you say you already had approx. 2000 acres covered already, if so, out of Sec. 15, what % is that? Thanks. (Sec. 15, T. 22, R. 13)

Be blessed!
ExcitedBossier....Did I or did I not see on another thread that you were organizing a group of people with property in Plain Dealing? I have right at 4 acres within the city limits and would like to join the group if that is what you are doing. I can't find the thread now....please tell me how to get back to it and what I must do to join in with the rest of the group. Didn't you say you already had approx. 2000 acres covered already, if so, out of Sec. 15, what % is that? Thanks. (Sec. 15, T. 22, R. 13)

Be blessed!
Hi, I'm from Plain Dealing, we have 3 acres east of town and also 1/2 acre right outside the city limits of Plain Dealing. So far we have not been approached by anyone about leasing our land. Just sitting and waiting and hoping. {Sec. 16, T.22, R 13}
I have 28 acres 2 miles south of Plain dealing and I had a standard lease about 7 years ago. They wanted to rework an old well that was near my property that was drilled to around 10,000 feet in the early 80's The well produced pretty good for about 18 months and played out. It was in the Antrim North field. They built a new road and pad then abruply stoped and left. That was about 4 years ago....Kinda makes me feel that there is something down there and they were saving it for later...The price for nat. gas was really low back then. I know there is gas here..
How about in the Ivan area? Anyone in Section 15, T21N, R11W with me, other than the U.S. Government?
ExcitedBossier....just in case you haven't noticed, I posted a message to you on this thread 1 day ago. I just read the tigerdroppings "haynesville shale...north of Benton" you spoke of in your last entry on this thread. My inquiry to you was just 3 posts after yours...in fact, I posted it twice, by mistake. Jay (the geologist) told me the closest HS well to Plain Dealing was the Samson Muslow in the Caddo Pine Island Field. Can you tell me, in miles and direction how far that is from Plain Dealing? And do you have any stats on the well as far as testing or production rates? I live in Longview, Tx., but own close to 4 acres within the Plain Dealing city limits. {S. 15, T. 22, R. 13.} I am interested in joining a group to combine acreage. My husband works for an O&G Co.{out of Jefferson, Tx.}, so I have access to a landman and the company attorney, and at one time, I even worked in the oilfield for 9 years (back in the 80's). Please let me know how I can get my personal information to you, if needed, without broadcasting it publicly over this site.

I am one who believes in being prepared. Although at this time, none of us knows not what the future holds, we do need to be sure that all i's are dotted and all t's crossed. Collectively a group can be certain that ALL areas are covered. But it won't happen overnight. At this point, we may have some time on our hands that can be used to our advantage, if for no other reason than we can be certain that EVERY SINGLE ISSUE IS HANDLED PROPERLY. Where as, those who went before us did not have that luxury or opportunity. We need to make every day count.

I have some very strong feelings about all of this, but won't go into them here. But, I feel that we must use our own wits, be extremely cautious and thorough and mindful of being very diligent, for what we decide WILL and CAN effect other landowners and our families for years to come, if our Good Lord doesn't take us home before long.

To cover all bases we will need to: 1.) have a lease agreement for those that sell minerals rights only. 2.) have a lease agreement for those that sell minerals and will have surface damages. 3.) know what we are leasing (formation, based, at time on current production around us, the possible production amt., etc.) prior to even coming up with any amount of monies.

I've seen others on the threads say that won't lease unless they get X number of dollars or Y number of dollars....wrong, wrong, wrong! Until we know exactly what we are leasing, how can we put a price on it? Believe me, we will know as it gets closer to us!

Until later, thanks for any help you can provide, or anyone else, for that matter. I am much more than appreciative, I am most grateful for your kind help!

This particular thread needs to be earmarked for those of us in the North Bossier Parish area and we need to pull together!

Be blessed,
Right now we are just sitting and waiting to see what happens. It may be 2 or 3 years before we are approached or it may be tomorrow. I am not representing anyone other than myself. All I have done is put together a Platt map with interested landowners that I have spoken with highlighted on it. Everyone will make their own decisions of what they want to do when approached. I have gave this platt to a couple of different companies which have not gotten back with me but it hasn't been long since I did this. We may not have HS up here like some so called experts say but we do have oil and gas that is a fact! Just keep up with things here and if you know anyone that lives here....


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