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Slide 7 of this presentation says 300,000 acres have already been leased

Craig, that is not Pointe Coupee turf.  EOG has tied up most if not all north Pointe Coupee.  The map shown looks more like it is in Avoyelles Parish.  Fracking is not a big issue with Austin Chalk as it said to be naturally fracked, that is has lots of small fractures.  The big issue with Austin Chalk in Louisiana is that it is soft and subject to being crushed in time.  The problem is keeping the well open and flowing.  I do not think any E&P has successfully figured out how to keep the wells flowing especially in the Austin Chalk area.  Tuscaloosa gas is a different issue, it is deep and well below the Austin Chalk strata.  Thus it is hard to drill (make that expensive) and the price of gas is depressed at the moment.  We are pretty sure the gas is there but not worth the effort to get to it.  I doubt that EOG will drill until the price of crude remains steady at or above $80 a barrel. But we are leased all along the Mississippi River from Morganza to New Roads to EOG.

I sure hope so Craig. At this point I have not been able to get much information about the play - period. Everyone seems to be hush hush about which companies are leasing, the amount per acre and where the leasing is going on right now. Great articles. 

My experience has shown me to sit tight in situations like this unless you need the bonus money. This thing could go either way. My best advice is pay attention to location. If you are in EOG's area of interest wait. If you are where the flippers are leasing, take their money it could go either way.

I am in Rapides parish a little north of the broadway well. I am going to sit tight for awhile and keep my fingers crossed that all the companies do well. It looks like a new company has taken over the Broadway well. I find that very interesting. 

This is my first post.  Four lease agents have call.  One @ $250 +20% one @ $600 + 20% (Hunter Explorations ) and Amelia, we were not in that last 42,000 acre sale at NAP Exp in Feb. Is there a map to show leased acreage for EOG.  We are not in a hurry and do believe things can grow to $900 + and 22% +  .   We are in the north quarter of East Baton Rouge Parish.  Just a novices trying to learn enough to negotiate.

Pretty good offers for NEBR parish. I have not heard of much activity there. I would love to hear if there are others. Come on NEBR parish let us know what you hear.

The first offer was Jan 4th, Acadian Land Services, 3Yr $250/ac + 20%, 1Yr ext $450     Today they called offering  3 Yr $750 + 20%, ext  1 Yr $1,000/ac  He said their drilling company was out of New Orleans.  He also offered same to my cousin  (80 acres ) about 2 miles north of me.    Acadian did learn that my neighbors ( 250 acres ) just signed with Cypress Energy ( Jeff)  / Hunter Explorations  for 3Yr $600 + 20% Ext  3Yr $600/ac.    Another neighbor about 8 miles north of me has received the same offer from Cypress. (has not accepted)    Another, 6 miles north was offered from Cinco $600 + 22.5%. or $900 + 20% (has not accepted)

Thanks, John ,  East Baton Rouge Parish


Feb 23rd       Update to my post of Feb 16th.   Jeff Corbin for Hunter Explorations has contacted me again updating his offer of $600/acre to $800 / acre + 20%.  He is promoting that as soon as they acquire enough leases for a unit they will apply for a permit to drill.  The others (about 500 acres ) that I stay in contact with have also received the same offer.  At this time none have accepted.

John Lann  East Baton Rouge Parish

Feb 23rd

Is this Hunter Exploration out of the Fort Worth Area? Or elsewhere?

It is one things to say that they will permit a well, but another to be able to perform and drill and horizontal properly and get it frac'd then properly maintain production.

I would ask any group trying to lease my minerals what their experience is as to drilling the types of wells necessary to get the job done the right way. The only thing worse than leasing and not getting drilled is leasing and have an operator do a train wreck job on drilling a well on your minerals.



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