Dealing with 31 Operating LLC non-payments in Webster Parish

Hello, Wanted to join the conversation about 31 Operating, LLC out of Rockwall, Texas, not paying Interest Owners on

wells in Webster Parish.their due money. There should be an Investigation by Louisiana Attorney's generals office about this company. We are an Interest Owner, and are wondering if anyone has already filed a Law suit against this company for non-payments on Interest.  We have sent them a Demand Letter in January of 2020.

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Gary, see this existing discussion on the topic and consider posting on the Webster Parish Group Page, you are likely to have more of the right members see it there.  When you post in a sub-group, all the members of the group get an email alerting them to your new discussion.  That does not happen when you post here, on the Main Page (Shale Related Topics).

Thank you


they owe me royalties for a year and 1/2.  They won’t answer return calls or answer emails.  Good luck

Hello, Sorry to hear this. Our last payment stopped October 1 2019.  Have you sent them a Demand Letter about nonpayment?  By Louisiana Law you or an attorney must send this to them 1st. They have 30 days to reply in writing as to why Royalty /s are no being paid or why they are held up. They can have your payment/s held in suspense for some reason.  We just mailed a Demand Letter to 31 Operating out of Rockwall, tx on January 27, 2020. will keep u posed if I receive a written letter back. I am not very optimistic that any reply will come, but its a step in the legal steps to file a suit.

From the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.

Texas Taxpayer Number 32060973198
Mailing Address PO BOX 1706 ROCKWALL, TX 75087-1706
Right to Transact Business in Texas FORFEITED
State of Formation DE
Effective SOS Registration Date 07/06/2016
Texas SOS File Number 0802493832
Registered Agent Name REGISTERED AGENTS INC.
Registered Office Street Address 5900 BALCONES DRIVE, SUITE 100 AUSTIN, TX 78731

That doesn't sound good Skip!

No, it doesn't.  Good luck.

I am hoping there will be a group of individuals filing a Law suit against these people using 1 law firm. I have seen on here a couple people have started down this road.We all need to complain to the Attorney Generals office, Jeff Landry, about this company's issues.

Don't expect the LA AG to be of any help.  It will be up to mineral interests under 31 Operating wells to pursue the matter.

I received my 1099 from 31 Operating. They had emailed me check detail 4 times in 2019, but never sent a check. They sent a detail with the 1099 wherein it appears they are claiming production taxes and expenses were greater than royalties. I smell a rat. That may explain what they are doing here. They haven't answered my letters.

I don't know anything about 31 Operating but I did some checking in Drilling Info to see where they were listed as operators (my curiosity kicking in).

They are listed as operator on 50 wells in North Dakota. Very marginal production - only about 5000 BO per month with almost zero gas. or 3-4 BOPD per well.

No listing for them in Webster Parish or anywhere in Louisiana.

This is a copy of my post to the other discussion regarding 31 Operating.  I would add the following.  The only way for those who are being damaged by 31 Operating is to work together.  My client is represented in Louisiana (I am not licensed in Louisiana) by the Weems firm.  There are numerous good oil and gas attorneys.  My relationship with 31 Operating has been contentious.  My clients only goal is to have Sibley operated as per the JOA and the law.  As I say below, please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any help.  I will be pleased to discuss this matter to the extent that I can.

My client is a working interest owner, not a lessor or royalty owner. We have filed suit in Webster Parish. We are alleging, among other things, that 31 Operating has not paid and is not paying the JOA's expenses. This includes the royalty payments which they are required to pay under the JOA. While my client has a small interest, Sibley is a valuable property. Properly operated it would be profitable and would maintain a significant block of land that would facilitate future development of zones below the Hosston formation. Hopefully our judicial action will result in achieving that goal. We are pursuing numerous options to resolve this including discussions with the Conservation Commission. It is my belief that 31 Operating is in violation of the unitization statutes which require that all owners in a unit recieve their gair share of production proceeds without needless expense. If we are successful, Sibley will be returned to proper operation. So you understand fully my perspective, I am an attorney licensed in Texas. I have practice energy and cor[porate law for almost fifty years. I have a BS degree in geology from the University of Oklahoma. Also, this is a somewhat personal issue as my father developed the prospecct that became and is Sibley Field. I enjoyed talking with you. I am moving forward as rapidly as possible. Statements from others that they are not being paid would be immensely helpful. anyone interested should not hesitate to contact me. my emaail is MC3LLC@AOL.COM. My cell is 859 806 1879. Best wishers, Mac McIntyre



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