It has been a while since anyone put out an updated EUR map.  I believe this map presented by BHP PetroHawk is fairly accurate.  


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Sounds like BHP may support the same rationale as ECA for increased HA drilling.  Thanks for the map, Jay.

Do either of you think that they may do development drilling in the areas that now show as 8 -12 BCF areas like the one to the North and East of the core area?

IMO the best places to drill is anywhere there is sufficient take away capacity.

Does anyone have a map that includes East Texas?  If so, please post it.  I know a lot of these companies show only Louisiana production... maybe some include all of the Haynesville or some sort of compilation.  I don't think the play stops at the Louisiana/Texas border... or maybe it does?



The above cartoon map was obviously prepared prior to EOG drilling the Sarge 1HR well in northeast Angelina County.  The Sarge 1HR, though deep and I'm sure expensive, is likely the most prolific well to have yet been drilled in the Haynesville.  The well made 3.7 BCF in it's 1st eight months, and made 432,420 mcf in month #8.  The well is located just about on the blue 4 BCF contour line in northeast Angelina County, and I'm sure has already made more than 4 BCF in it's first year.

Petrohawk/BHP are LA EUR touters because that is where most of their acreage is. They all do it.

You're right about the RRC... unless of course you pay an extra fee... like the big O/G and others do. 

Sarge made 4.475 bcf in 10 months in 2012. That's got to be the best Haynesville well I'm aware of. The Sarge's location isn't even colored in on that map. There is much more to be learned about the Haynesville Shale when gas prices recover.

That map is older than the Sarge well, Andrew. It came from a 2010 presentation.


When evaluating the Petrohawk EUR map it is helpful to understand the small yellow squares in the background.  These indicate areas where Petrohawk has development rights.  Although they may not operate in all these locations, they at the least hold working interest and have access to the science generated by any wells drilled.  I don't consider it a blob or cartoon map because it includes sections and townships and sufficient detail to identify the specific lands depicted. Therefore, although not perfect, it is a very good map.  I interpret that it is quite accurate, even down to fault locations, where there are yellow squares present and less so where there are no yellow squares. 

That was my understanding. My point was that there still remains plenty to be learned once prices recover...someday.

EnCana believes and has stated that they feel that along with their play partner, SWEPI, they have modeled the entire basin.  Future prices will make some areas worth drilling but they've already been drilled and defined.  Some areas are faulted out, some are too deep, some are too thin and changes in mineralogy render others too ductile or too brittle.  My point is there seems to be little chance that there is some significant extension to the Haynesville Shale that has not been discovered. 



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