This is a Comment by William C. Morrison 2 hours ago that I copied from the Comments section to the Discussions area. Would love to get input on what you guys think about the Bonus and Royalty.

What about Pointe Coupee Parish.  We have a feeler from Anadarko regarding Lacour Field (or at least it is an undefined field with a Pennington Well on it on Lacour property).  No mention of unit size yet.  Since first conversation lease money went from $150 for three years to $175 plus options for two more years at $75 per year with a royality of 20%.  Now they have added a royality of 25% for below the Austin Chalk (which would be the Tuscaloosa Trend).


We have not signed up yet but probably will do so.  The place has been leased on and off for more than 60 years.  This is the most activity in about 15 years or so,


Once had about four acres in production and did well, then the well sanded over and stop producing.  Now the well is capped and closed off.


Do we know there are minerals down there.  Just waiting for price and technology to get to it.

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Two wells are permitted in Pointe Coupee Parish by Anadarko. Both are in the Lacour Field.

They are Lecour 43 and  Lecour 42 Each is permitted to 22000+ ft.

The permit date is: 5/13/11 Well Serial # 243247 for Lecour 43

The Permit date is: 6/28/11 Well Serial # 243462 for Lecour 42

Neither of these wells have an H on them - Question is are these wells Horizontal? Or are they vertical Lower Tuscaloosa Wells?

Our family holdings will probably lease shortly.  No description yet of the units comprised in the Lacour Field.  I have seen a couple maps that seem to indicate the units are rectangluar and seem to be bigger than the usualy 640 acres.  Orientation is long on the east west axis and short on the north south axis.

Does anybody have any updates on Anadarko's interest in the area of the Lacour Field? How much land do they have leased? Are they in section 27? How far is the PBHL for these wells from section 27?


Thank you for your help.

Looks like the horizontal run is just shy of 7000 feet.

Thanks Two Dogs

Is 7000 feet close in geological terms or am I reading too much into the proximity of these wells?

I would think that the units would be long and narrow. Time will tell on unitization. Past history will govern some but not all of the units being formed.
At what point in the process does unitization occur?


Unitization usually occurs before the site is staked. At the pre-app conference the company puts their unitization on the table and everybody that has an interest in it can ask questions and even put in a different unitization plan. Then the company applies to the Commissioner for a hearing and presents the unitization plan to Dept. of Natural Resources. They take a few weeks and make a ruling on the unitization which can be what the company presented or someone else presented or they can come up with their own plan. Usually though they take the company plan unless they find it unfair or illegal in some way.

Thank Joe! Does anybody know if this process taken place for Lacour 42 & 43?


Skip is correct. My understanding is that if the land owner's acreage is large enough and they don't have to bring other leases in to make a unit then the well could be drilled as non-unitized or as a voluntary unitization. In that area there are very large land owners. So either of these two scenarios might be the case. Also, back in the 90's a large number of AC units were formed and are still in existence in that area. Usually, when a well is drilled in an existing unit then it will carry the unit designation when drilled.  These wells do not and I would assume that they may not have been unitized. The interesting thing though is that Nelson/Pryme have asked for unitization and the wells they are drilling are not listed as unitized wells. At least from the well nomenclature I see. Maybe Skip can add something to this. I have not been following the unitization across the river that closely. 


I took a close look at the permit for Lacour 43. It is listed as a lease well. It also looks like the state is calling for unitization if the well produces. I am assuming they will not if it does not. I also see a reference to terminating some existing AC units (bottom of page 3). Is this unusual? It sure is interesting? Has anyone seen the permit for Lacour 42? I have attached permits for 43.




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