I see where they are selling just under 100,000 acres in Harrison, Panola, Northern Caddo and Northern Bossier.

Tags: Acreage, Chesapeake, Core, Plains, Selling, and, of, outside

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nothing came through my hotmail account... pls try again. someone named wolverine sent an email asking me to send him a copy. not sure who that is or what i should do. thanks, jhh
Could they be selling due to the leases that will be running out before they can get to drill that acreage? Getting something would be better than having to pay to hang on to them wouldn't it?
I wonder if prices were higher if they'd be doing this? Or perhaps the amount of government interference maybe.
What government interference? IMO, it's a logical business decision. We tend to forget that Chesapeake is involved in a number of other shale plays. It's not just a question of where to spend development dollars in the Haynesville. The race to define the best prospects and secure leasehold is on going and highly competitive in numerous locales. Those that can afford to drill, drill regardless of the price. I don't know the total acres that CHK had in Harrison and Panola counties but thier leasehold in north Caddo and Bossier parishes was relatively small when compared to the rest of the Play.
not to mention that the rock is not as good
Jay, did you mean we are "now seeing this" instead of "not seeing this"?
Jay, the drop-off in the Barnett Shale is a lot more dramatic due to lower rock quality, thinner pay and shallower depth all occurring in the fringe. Also, most of the major players never leased or drilled ouside the Original Core and Tier I areas. EOG was the only company to drill economic wells in the Tier II area. Tier III areage was primarily leased by small private companies that did not possess the capital or expertise to develop such acreage.
PG, if prices were higher it would definitely allow Chesapeake to spend more capital dollars. But they may still sell acreage to concentrate their manpower of their operated wells.
How would i find out were the land is and how much and exactley who to talk to about it? So you know?
Yes it is strategic.............they're selling less good rock! I don't think that CHK is much of a factor in the Eagle Ford play.
Are you fairly familiar with the Eagle Ford? If so do you think it will extend into Duval and Jim Wells counties of south Texas
William, the Marcellus Shale has the best economics with the Haynesville Shale and Eagle Ford Shale being similar. The EFS economics are boosted by the condensate yield and potential for natural gas liquids recovery from the produced gas.

In today's conference call, Chesapeake confirmed they have 100,000 net acres in the "oily" portion of the Eagle Ford Shale and plan to add an additional 100,000 net acres by 2010 year end.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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