Rig count at 24 versus 200
Gas prices at $2 versus $12
All Good Acreage HBP
Most Industry Professionals Gone

Bottom line is sad in my opinion

Maybe it will come back but I fear it will not.

I for one don't visit this site to see a post of the latest natural gas link that anyone with a computer can find. I liked the discussions about wells being drilled. Oh well.


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Do you think there is room for a Woodbine section or will that go EagleFord?

Andrew - we are pretty inrerest in Woodbine over on the District 3 group.  As you probably know, you get Buda, Austin Chalk, Woodbine, Eagleford, Georgetown, etc, depending on exactly where you are. 

You might not hear about it... but behind the scenes a lot is going on.  Conversion to Natural Gas for power generation, industrial use, big trucks, mass transit and to some extent... passenger cars.  Business has been in the process of GEARING UP!  Doesn't seem anyone is waiting nor do they want the government involved in a big way.  It might take a while to be noticed.  Plus, there is still a lot of land in East Texas to be developed and some minerals to be leased.  As us Aggies say... "wait till next year".  Hopefully it will come sooner!

Very true JHH...

I agree the slowdown is due to market activity. Drilling for natural gas (dry) today is a guaranteed money loser. But long term, I think natural gas is only going to become more expensive in real terms, and activity will return to the Haynesville and the surrounding areas. At least oil is still high, and there is real exctitement in a number of plays across the country. The TMS is grinding along as a new well is completed every 45 days or so, and I've found that section of the site to be a wonderful addition.

As to the comment about condescending posts, I agree that they will discourage new posts and new members. That said, it seems most people who post here a sincere in sharing information, asking questions, and having some good-natured discussion.


I've moved most of my comments about the Austin Chalk to email. I email both on and off this site to individuals that seem to appreciate my take on the drilling methods being used and the direction that the play is moving. There are several professional people that seem to have, as you put it, a condescending attitudes toward an undegreed and uneducated individual making comments about how a company should be drilling, completing and producing the wells. I don't find these individuals very helpful in a continuing discussion on the subject.

JHH:   Hey I just have to say: GO A & M. From someone who has benefited from A & M's Vet School's cutting edge technology in 2008 & 2009 and just yesterday our horse was first in the WORLD to get new state of the art radiation treatment for a very rare cancer at A & M. They modified their radiation table, made a special gurney for her. AWESOME people.

This is off topic but I just had to comment on those Aggies!!

My other concern about the lack of discussion on topics is the division of the plays into so many sub-categories - such as states, plays, trends, areas and parishes. As I told Skip sometime ago, I have a problem finding the threads that are being posted on a subject that I might be interested in. I joined the Eagleford forum to see what is happening in that trend because it is closely related to the TMS but I don't join all of the parish groups. I don't think a lot of people on GHS realize that the two are very closely related and what is happening to the West might have an impact on the area to the East at some point in the future. Just my take on things.

As I told Joe, it's quite simple to follow discussion threads no matter where they are located.  For the benefit of the members I will repeat how to accomplish that.  First join the groups that cover your geographic area(s) and/or play(s).  By doing so you will get an email alerting you to new discussion threads for that particular group.  When you make a reply in a discussion, on the Main Page or in a group, you will automatically receive email notification when new replies are posted.  In Main Page or group discussions, if you do not wish to make a reply but wish to follow the thread simply click on the command, Follow - Email me when people reply, just above Replies to This Discussion and just below, Reply to this box, below the discussion title.  When you no longer desire to follow a thread simply click on Stop Following.

Investing a little time in understanding how the site is organized and how to customize the information that each member receives allows for a wide range of interests and topics without having to plow through massive amounts of text looking for what is personally relevant.  Of course we could just post every discussion to the Main Page ......give that some thought!

Hey Skip and Keith, as a blessed mineral owner in the Haynesville shale and a drilling foreman in the Eagleford, you guys are simply the best. No where else can a person find the expert facts and opinions other than this corner of the web. Any one who gripes / complains / bitches about anything on this thread, does not have a whole lot of common sense and is probably watching the DNC convention tonight. You guys are the best and as a Oil and Gas professional for the last 35 yrs, you are much appreciated, Skip you especially and Keith you have worked your a.. off and you did buld this. NG price will come back and we will see who is around then.



I have to agree with Larry T......I have no college degree, I'm just an average hard working every day citizen, land owning individual. If I want to know something on GHS,  I read, read, read and read more. I search by topics, seach by topics and search by topics more. I agree,,,,where else can you get so much FREE EXPERT information??? Seriously? I've donated what I can afford to GHS. I appreciate everything that GHS has done. Again, THANKS GHS!

I'm a big "discussion follower," and that is a great option to have.

I have to agree with Joe that the site is a bit fragmented, especially if you are new. For example, I consistently check the "General Discussion" page (I think that's what comes up on the home page), and the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale dropdown under the "plays" menu. I rarely check specific parishes or counties because I am interested in the TMS as a whole, and checking the St. Helena parish group for example seems redundant.

It appears to me that many of the newer posters are posting in the parish groups, usually as comments rather than discussion threads. I think many of those comments are being overlooked because they do not appear in the main TMS (or other play) page. It seems like it would increase the chances of members seeing each others posts if there was a way to aggregate them by play, or eliminate the "comments" function in favor of creating new threads.

I do wonder what we would do with those parishes and counties that have some activity but are not in a "play," such as the numerous parishes and counties that are being drilled for Cotton Valley at present, but my impression is that those county groups don't represent much of the posting volume.

All that said, I only post these thoughts as suggestions and not complaints. I think GHS is a great resource and online community, and I appreciate the work being done behind the scenes to keep improving the site as time goes on. 


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