Would someone please start a rumor or something?

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Most of the pirates are still around.  Maybe we need to have a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum get together to remind them of the fun times.  Of course some sweet tea for the tamer pirates like myself and Snake.

Now That's an oxymoron!  Tamer pirates indeed!  LOL!  Maybe I should repost Whatever Happened To ......

Whatever happened to Coonman (The first GHS member) and newspaper star.

He is alive and well.  Swapped emails with him a couple of days ago.

Hey everybody....KAWPOOYAH KAWPOOYAH..

I still troll by about every other week so...lol

Thanks Skip!

I miss them too.  I really felt like I was back with laughing and laughable chums,

News Release


GHS Laboratories reviled their newly patented LaserFrack technology in a demonstration performed today at an undisclosed drilling site located in Caddo Parish, Louisiana.

The LaserFrack procedure worked as planed and the demonstration proved that the Zero Environmental Byproducts (ZEB) labeling regulations, filed by GHSL, did indeed fall within GHSL’s claims filed in February 2012.  The new technology will replace older practices that have been questioned by environmental groups and the EPA.

EPA officials assigned to the project posted their results with the Regional Office located in Dallas, Texas and then released this statement; “The operation of LaserFrack surpassed our expectations”, we have reviewed the claims of LaserFrack and those claims were certified by our Field Operation Supervisor.  A listing of certification requirements can be viewed online, www.certifrequi.org, or requested by mail.

GHSL is planning to release a statement in the near future about how the procedure overcame the difficulties of sending a light beam two miles below the surface of the earth into the horizontal laterals where the fracking process allows the release of natural gas and hydrocarbon condensates.  A member of the development team said, “getting down there was easy, the hard part was to maintain a focal point directed away from the earth’s surface”.  When questioned why this was a concern, the reply was, we’re working on drilling with lasers and we don’t want that to happen from the bottom up.

The basic operation of LaserFrack follows the same principles defined by nature, expansion associated with heat energy.  The energy released by LaserFrack causes the rock to fracture into geometric patterns and collapse upon itself, opening small fissures in the rock.  These fissures can be conic or extend radially from the point of focus, depending on the type of emitter used, choked (C), center open choke (COC), or the more expensive adjustable open choke (AOC).   GHSL is developing additional emitters to be used in formations previously considered too deep for hydrocarbon production.

Following the press conference someone ranted about the old tradition of celebrating “gushers”.  The crowd was silenced when the CEO of GHSL offered to buy rounds of Vodka shots for everyone attending, although most people in Louisiana prefer beer and the Vodka was imported from Texas, so the offer was changed to a Bud.



They are putting 3 oil wells 2 miles west of slaughter, La on LA 412

Good One, Max!!

I just want to state, for the record, that I was not part of the 'red panty flag' pirate team (even though I did [avidly] read of their exploits) because I was otherwise occupied as co-chairman, with my good friend and co-conspirator King John, of the Shelby County Noodling Team that year. I don't recall whether the pirate team was invited to participate in the noodling competition, or not, but I do know that I did not fly that 'panty' pirate flag. I plead complete ignorance of any off color... anything... that might have transpired within the context of either team. Oh, and 5th amendment.

LOL jffree.


It's probably just as well that the newest members don't go to the trouble to peruse some of the oldest discussions available. No telling what they would think!

I am sad, though, that we lost lots of really good info/discussion when a few of those earliest members left.


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