I'm going last on Tuesday, May 17.  I'll try to catch a couple of the other presentations which interest me.  Good line up of speakers.

3:00 – 3:30        BREAK 

3:30 – 4:30         Skip Peel – Recent Developments on Refracs, the Mid-Bossier, Faults

and the One Operator Rule


2022 Louisiana NARO Convention

When: 05/16/2022 12:00 PM, CDT
Where: 711 Horseshoe Blvd, Bossier City, LA, US, 71111

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Received the NARO email earlier & saw you batting cleanup, sorry I'm not back there to catch you again as that's where we first met yrs. ago, knock it outta the park mi amigo as I know ya will.

Thanks, MB. Yeah, Davis Powell said he put me last so most of the attendees would stick around until the end.  I've had smoke blown up my dress before.  I do look forward to hearing some reactions to what I plan to present.  It may get interesting.


Could be this doesn't apply to this particular situation, but over the years I've gotten the impression that in regards to the expertise of drilling insiders, such as reserve engineers and geologist, etc. -- that they tended to have a less than stellar regard for the landmen in their own land departments. 

In other words, they tend to snub their noses at them, somewhat like corporate big wigs dismissing the insights of their own employees in a sales department.

But of course, us property owners have a completely different POV, Skip. Your depth of knowledge and spot-on insights are held in the utmost regard. I'd certainly attend your offering if I was at that conference. You'd be my number one go-to gotta-see guy.

Indeed, what's a powwow without a tribal chief who knows the lay of the land?

Thanks, Jesse.  Operators' landmen and their field pros don't cross paths much the best I can tell.  Company landmen work more closely with legal and accounting departments.  And a number of Haynesville companies have contract operators and that may mean even less contact between the two.  Landmen are generally on a short lease as to what information they can share and have severely limited authority to negotiate terms.  They are strictly middle men.  For those who are "independent", it's a pretty challenging life.

Skip, good luck on this talk. I am sure that the response will be good - with lots of questions being tossed your way after the step off the platform.

Speaking of re frac, attached is a production graph from ENVERUS on an Eagle Ford well in Karnes County. 2011 Gen 1 completion that was re-frac'd after 10 years of production.

Pretty significant results - in the 7 months after the re frac, well produced 41% of the oil and volume that was produced in the prior 10-year period.

This is one of the best re-frac results I have seen. But no idea as to procedures associated with this process.


Thanks, Rock Man.  The more I learn about re-fracs, the more I think that many early wells were under stimulated based on current completion designs.  They left a lot of oil and gas behind.  The economics of re-fracs is coming into better focus and looks promising.

Have to agree - those early wells with Gen 1 fracs (low proppant concentrations, long frac stages, basic stimulation approaches) are probably the best "targets" for a targeted re-frac effort. 

This example I sent shows this well in my opinion - I can visualize this re frac effort accessing "new" untapped reservoir section, getting the high production as this is initially drained. And then seeing the rapid decline as the this "new" zone is sucked down. 

Would love to see the details of this.

Interesting observation about this re-frac: nothing about it on Frac Focus site. It seems like operators have figured out how to NOT file re-frac data on this site (which I thought was to be data base for all frac info). There is a loophole there somewhere.

Or several loopholes!

I've spent a good bit of time on Frac Focus preparing for my presentation particularly as it addresses proppant loads. Some early HA wells are not listed.  Some later and recent wells have a listing but no details as to ingredients and/or volumes.  It is a hit or miss proposition attempting to look up a well.

I think early wells were done pre-Frac Focus establishment. Biggest loophole appears to be a total lack of enforcement as to companies filing these reports.

Those groups that established this frac info filing process appear to have left out one important process - following up on those companies that ignore or skate around the edges of doing such filings.

Knock'em Dead!  Wish I could've made it.  I'm stuck here in Deer Park, making sure these welders are doing their job right on these piping spools for Delek/ ALON, Chevron PRSI, and Delek Tyler!  Give us an update when you can!

How did it go? 

The mineral owners appeared to like it very much.  The operating company and mineral company reps in attendance, not so much but they took it in good humor.  One of the principals of Azul was there.  James Carroll, VP-Land.  Nice guy.  I wished them luck with their first Haynesville well.  They are in a challenging location.

I will see if I can turn my presentation slides into a GHS discussion when I get the chance.  I have been dissecting well payout statements since I got home.


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