I've been hearing this rumour for almost a year now, never thought much of it because it sounded like just a wild rumour. But it's been awfully persistent, someone told me about it again yesterday so I thought I would post about it and see what happens:

The rumour is that there is oil under the shale, that is one of the reasons Chesapeake is being so thorough with the seimograph work in the area (Central DeSoto Parish). I was told yesterday they had brought in a new team of geologists to help read the seismograph results. So-- think there could be anything to this or is it just wild speculation? After all, killing wild rumours is part of the site's purpose.

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Guilty as charged, Baron. My bad.
Not that i haven't done the same on more than one occasion.
When we were kids, my momma, (from Florida) said the state of Louisiana raised gator's at every roadside rest area that had running water and a place to pee. Yep, they had a big underground tank full of gator's just waiting to be fed and they stayed hungry. Sometimes a kid would get eaten by those gator's if they were messing around too long when, 'taking care of business'. Us kids learned to hold it until we stopped for gas. I quit believeing that story after my brother said there ani't no Santa Clause or gator's, momma just made that up.
Max. By any chance was your momma a child psychologist? LOL!
Naw, she just had a lot of brothers and sisters and she had to make up stuff to keep the older siblings from being too bossy and the younger one's from tattleing on her. She always did it with a twinkle in her eye and a smile, so we learned to act like we believed anything she said.
there is oil down there i am a land man and it very big in the haynesvile shale
I agree, there is oil "down there" in some places. Thats where we get oil from....."down there".
Glad to hear you are a landman, are you offering people huge bonuses because you say "there is oil down there"? If so, drop me a note. If not, please offer the people on this site some good ole cold hard facts about what you are referring to.
Stupid ole BirdDawg, I like to hear some facts.
Jerry, please elaborate 'les we think you know not of what you speak. What oil bearing zone in particular are you referring to and in which parts of the Haynesville play is oil "very big" other than the automotive section of Walmart?
"there is oil down there i am a land man and it very big in the haynesvile shale"

Wow, just wow, everytime I get bored on here someone throws out a gem like this. Sometimes life gives us these little gifts. You sure you're a landman? I had you pegged for an English professor.
english professor.....lol

must learn' to :is verb usage and; puctuation,

Thanks, would you like to come over and clean the coffee off my computer screen.
I'm leased to Pinnacle in the CV and Encana in the HA. If there is potential in the Smackover would I have needed specific depth and lease verbage in my lease with Encana to ensure the Smackover rights? I know some folks that leased to Pinnacle in the CV and Pinnacle got the HA rights bc their mineral lease didn't has specific verbage.


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