This time of year I give thanks for many things and GHS is one.  I imagine all the members who have been helped by other members and how they have benefited.  Please consider a donation to support the website this holiday season.  When you donate, please consider making a reply in this discussion thread and thank Keith, Anna and family for keeping GHS available.

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Done and thanks to Keith and his family for keeping the site going for all these years

Thanks Keith and his family for keeping this site active. The recent resurgence of our HS has been very interesting and hopefully will continue to be fun to watch for many years.

Go GHS! I'm happy to chip in for another year. Happy Holidays to all Haynesville (and Bossier) shalers.

Ok. Done. Thanks Keith, Anna, & Family. And also thanks Skip!  

You're welcome, Diana.  Thank you!

Thank you for your all's kindness and thanks for always highlighting this Skip. It's pretty crazy this website will be celebrating its 15th year in existence in 2023. It has been a fun ride and we are thrilled it is still invaluable to so many mineral owners.

If the benefits provided by GHS could be quantified, I feel sure that it has been worth many millions of dollars over these fourteen plus years for our members and those mineral owners who keep up with discussions but chose not to join.  I understand the hesitancy of some to participate on an internet website.  The remarkable thing is that whether they are a member or not, GHS has been a source of information, tutorials and opinions for tens of thousands of mineral owners that never before had a resource to turn to in the management of their mineral assets.  It has been said many times, there is no such thing as a stupid question on GHS when you contemplate the crazy arcane world that is mineral management.  The O&G companies not only prefer but work diligently to keep mineral owners in the dark.  GHS seeks to empower them to effectively manage what in many cases is an extremely valuable asset, thanks to the Haynesville Shale.  I hope that our members will step up to keep this resource available for years to come.

How can I donate

done.  Another great year for news and commentary, along with advice, on GHS


One of the best discussion sites that I have seen over the years. Have to believe that thousands have been helped as to O&G related issues either directly or via reading posted discussions and comments.

Done for second year in a row.  Great resource.



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