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Thanks for the analysis, RM.  We are a little short at the moment on members who can help put the data into perspective.  Especially on oil since much of our discussions to date on the wider site have been about natural gas and NGLs.   At 4275' the lateral is not long by current standards.  Is 6 - 7 weeks sufficient time to recover the bulk of frac water?

You will never recover all the frac fluid - that will keep trickling out over time but some experts figure that up to half the frac fluid will never be recovered.

Which leaves an amount of formation water being produced.

I encourage all members to dig into the data that they find in SONRIS or elsewhere and ask questions. I am hoping that others with more O&G expertise than I get "into the loop" to join the conversation. My time is limited and I am not always available to add comments in a timely fashion.

We think your doing fine regarding timely replies, RM.  Every time we do somewhat of a deep dive into data, we all learn something.  After a long slow spell, it is good to have a well to discuss that excites a number of members.  Without professional help in interpreting data, we are usually left with coffee shop rumor.  We try to limit that as much as possible here on GHS.  :-)

EOG Well / Frac Focus Report

Attached is the Frac Focus report for the Eagles Ranch well.

Over 9.5 million gallons of water used - 226,000+ bbls total fluid pumped into the formation to frac the well


More info on the frac

Using rough math (and not knowing the specifics of each component), I figure that EOG pumped away about 11 million pounds of proppant into the 4275' lateral - or 2586 # per treated foot (which is a very aggressive frac from a proppant placing standpoint).

Using the original 226,000+ bbls of water that was pumped away, one can play games as to how much as been recovered to date (and only EOG has a good idea since they have daily rate info plus chemistry on produced water to figure frac fluid vs formation water volumes)

Extraordinarily interesting.  That seems to be a lot fracking water.  Does one know if it was a slick frac or a typical proppant frac job?  It would seem that Austin Chalk would not require a lot of proppant as it is a naturally fractured material.  Not saying you should or should not use proppant but it has been said proppant would have minimal effect on the Austin Chalk material.  Maybe that is where Anadarko went awry.  I am hoping EOG has broken the code on well completion in the Austin Chalk in Louisiana.  

Wow,  thanks for explanations RM.... So again,  it's a wait and see game on how the well settles in...  Oil, gas, water production over next few months!  

My thanks also to RM.  And here is a little intel to help tide us over until there is more data to discuss.  I received a report from a client that he executed a lease with EOG last Friday.  Can't divulge any specifics but it is good to know that EOG is maintaining its land program.  That's a positive.

EOG   Not even the parish ?

John  EBRP

John, you have to realize that you can not get all the information you wish for free on GHS.  :-)  Some of us have to make a living on what we know that others do not.

Understood,  just another thing to add to my first 4-5 weeks of experience here.

John EBR



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