
Leased by BHP Billiton

A place for networking and discussion among those who have leased their acreage to Petrohawk. Discuss all things pertaining to leasing, drilling, production & post production on your property.

Location: Haynesville Play
Members: 131
Latest Activity: Sep 13, 2015

Welcome to "Leased by BHP." The goal with these "Leased by" groups is to provide a place for constructive networking and discussion. For better or worse (I hope for the better), many of us have become business partners with a producer. Now, is the time to initiate helpful discourse. Your success, literally, depends on it. Certainly, criticisms will have a place, but keep it constructive. Thank you.

Discussion Forum

PETROHAWK or PETROLAND in Walker, Grimes, Houston, and/or Leon counties?? Any info for discussion appreciated. 2 Replies

I've heard rumor of Petrohawk/BHP coming into these counties; wondering if it's the land service petroland, though.Continue

Started by Troutman. Last reply by Troutman Nov 19, 2012.

Excess Royalty Interest???

Hi, All!  I just received a pair of division orders from Petrohawk.  One of them has for Type of Interest RI (Royalty Interest) and it has a certain decimal interest listed.  The other one has ERI (Excess Royalty Interest) and the decimal interest…Continue

Started by Tar Heel Nov 13, 2012.

New Guy Questions 6 Replies

Hi, All!I'm kind of new to the Oil & Gas game. I have some questions about leases, unitization, and extentions.My family leased with PetroHawk in May 2008. There were some mix-ups in getting the money to everyone involved (didn't get paid til…Continue

Started by Tar Heel. Last reply by Wendall Maloy Nov 7, 2011.

Section 23 & 24, T11N, R14W - DeSoto Parish 4 Replies

Anything new in this section? I haven't heard anything in a while. Thanks!Continue

Started by Ginny. Last reply by Glynda Carter Oct 28, 2011.

If a well is drilled in a section of land I leased out, is it attached to my lease? 12 Replies

In May a couple of wells were drilled by PetroHawk matching 2 of my mineral interests locations. No communication from PetroHawk. Do to the change of hands at PetroHawk, my normal contact is unavailable.   Any help with this would be appreciated. Continue

Started by Cliff R Chalenor. Last reply by Cliff R Chalenor Jul 27, 2011.

Division Order 7 Replies

From completion, how long does it take for DO...

Started by Mike Jackson. Last reply by mskillerbee Jun 28, 2011.


Gray,Please give me an update on the #241700, HA RD SUCC; MCLELLAND TRUST 29, Sec29-14N-10W, RED RIVER-BULL BAYOU well. I have found no updates other than what you provided me some time ago. Has production started?  Are royalties being paid?  Do you…Continue

Started by Glenda Simmons May 25, 2011.

S13-T16-R15 2 Replies

Anyone know whether Petrohawk has any plans to drill in S13-T16-R15?

Started by Inquirer. Last reply by Inquirer May 13, 2011.

Sec. 24 & 25 11n-12w 4 Replies

Does any body know the unit name this parcel is located, and what is going on...

Started by Mike Jackson. Last reply by Henry May 5, 2011.

How long before I receive DO? 7 Replies

Sorry, I know this was recently asked, but I can't pull up the answer on my computer. My well "turned to sales" on 1/13/11.  How long do you think it will be before I reveive my division order? ThanksContinue

Started by marilyn. Last reply by mskillerbee Apr 18, 2011.

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Comment by Hopeful About Natural Gas on August 31, 2011 at 13:19

Rozzy,  the buy out means Petrohawk is owned by a company with gobs of cash. They do gold mining and you know what's happened to the price of gold.  But, who knows what they will do?  Where is your land located?  Mine is between Greenwood and Bethany.


Comment by Rozzy on August 30, 2011 at 16:42

Dang, just reading your messages, should I be excited????? :(

Comment by Rozzy on August 30, 2011 at 16:38
Hello I just signed with Petrohawk and really excited... I wanted to sign with Petrohawk since 2008 but not knowing any better signed with BEUSA, Energy and sworn when the contract was over I would move over to Petrohawk. So I am happy. And I am happy Petrohawk is now BHP because now they are larger than ever! More money, more resources more drilling... Staying positive here. :) Hello!
Comment by mskillerbee on July 17, 2011 at 5:11
Yep, there is a good write up by Skip Peel-Independent Landman titled: BHP-Billiot under Top Content.  Since many of us sit at the bottom of the food chain and only understand the basics, his write up really helped me understand what happened in the big picture.....I just wonder what will happen in the little picture.
Comment by little ole 1st grade teacher on July 16, 2011 at 6:54
Did a company buy PetroHawk?
Comment by mskillerbee on July 16, 2011 at 5:58


Wonder how many of us are calling?  I just sent the demand letter this last week.  I was wondering if the sale of Petrohawk was what was adding to the wait.  It is kinda frustrating since they are getting the use of our money and at first it didn't seem too bad but this has gone one way past the tooooooooooooooo long date. How often has your well been updated on SONRIS? Mine is about every 4 months.

Comment by getoverit on July 15, 2011 at 15:24

Wow, mskillerbee.  That's a little disheartening.  Your well has been producing for 2 months longer than ours.  Ours has been producing since around mid to late December and we have yet to receive Division Orders either.  I emailed Petrohawk and this is what I was told.  "The analyst working in this well has been in recent contact with the Landman regarding a completed Title Opinion for this section and is still awaiting a response.  You will be notified by a Division Order when this information is received."  I'm just wondering how "recent" we are talking about here. 

Comment by mskillerbee on July 15, 2011 at 14:20

So, does the purchase of Petrohawk  by BHP-Billiton change things for those of us who are leased with them? The change of hands seems from the discussion on the main page to be a normal expected stage of the shale development.  I very much appreciate the discussion amongst those with the knowledge to actually discuss matters.  It makes me feel better over all.  I just mailed a letter "demanding" to know what is going on with the well  section I am in since it has been producing since Oct 2010 and no division order yet.  Will this situation cause changes at the very local kitchen table level?

Thank you in advance for all thoughts and guidance!


Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on January 11, 2011 at 13:59
The sale of HK's Fayetteville acreage and their associated pipeline system was the fourth asset sale that the company had targeted for 2010.  I'm not familiar with OneTech.  HK just could not service its debt and maintain a reasonable development program without raising cash.  The company chose to focus on the Haynesville and the Eagle Ford shale plays.  I don't have a crystal ball as to the pace of future development in the Fayetteville but I feel sure that it will be fully developed over time.
Comment by George Lutz on January 11, 2011 at 13:48
I heard that all the Petrohawk's leases in the Fayetteville were purchased by XOM.  Anybody have any idea what that could mean and would that include Petrohawk's subsidiaries like OneTech, (which was the company that pulled the permit and then allowed it to expire on my lease)?

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