All Blog Posts (653)

Natural Gas Prices Near $3.27 On July 13, 2009

Forest Oil Corp (Denver, CO) said its second horizontal Haynesville Shale well in Red River Parish, La., produced results of 20.3 MMcfe/d in early July. The well cost about $9 million. The company said it holds about 11,050 net acres in Louisiana prospective for the Haynesville Shale and has identified 110 additional potential horizontal locations on this acreage.

On July 13, during energy trading, natural gas for August delivery fell 10.1 cents to $3.272… Continue

Added by weatherman on July 13, 2009 at 6:25 — No Comments

Got to Do It Right Research and Learn from The Barnett and Others

I was advised I should create my own Blog and I guess that is right So Thanks BYW Congrates to the owners of this site for being Here

Hello Haynesville Shalers My name is Gary Hogan and I have been involved with The Barnett Gas Play in North Texas and Fort Worth , Texas> I even had the oppurtunity to be part of a story done by Rick Rowe about a year ago as Gas Drilling moved to Louisiana. I must disclose I am not a big fan of intense close in urban gas drilling such as is done in… Continue

Added by Gary Hogan on July 8, 2009 at 19:40 — 7 Comments

Suspect named in the Shooting of my Brother-in-Law

The Shreveport Times just posted this story today.

[Local websites took the story down. Go here to read… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on July 8, 2009 at 9:00 — 6 Comments

Cobra Petroleum

What and who are Cobra Petroleum, as they seem to be trying to buy mineral rights I have already leased to someone else? Anyone heard of them?

Added by Gypsea on July 7, 2009 at 2:23 — No Comments

Property in Desoto Parish

i am very interested in any help I may can get concerning some land in DeSoto Parish called

Gay Island. It is now owned by a Bethard as I've been told, but was purchased by my grandmother in 1912. My uncle always told me that Gay Island belonged to our family, but the court house had burned and he wasn't ever able to provide enough proof. His mother was Roxie Gay and she purchased Gay Island around 1912.

Anyone who might could give me some insight on this, I would appreciate… Continue

Added by Trisha Giddens on July 6, 2009 at 13:43 — 4 Comments

We The People !!

If Anyone watches FOX news with Glen Beck, I've got an idea. With thousands of members on this site, we all should buy a copyof his book, send the proceeds to our senators to help push for natural gas drilling in our state and neighboring states,push for offshore drilling, and send some of the proceeds to Alaska to push for the vote for the ANWAR Project , so we can get this natural gas rolling in this country which belongs to us! Our new pigme cars are going to need alot of it. And don't… Continue

Added by Joe Dyer on July 5, 2009 at 21:41 — No Comments

murry well#110-nr11w.could someone who knows anything about this well in sabine parish send me some info please.they started drilling,is all iknow.would someone please help me!

murry well#110-nr11w.could someone who knows anything about this well in sabine parish send me some info please.they started drilling,is all iknow.would someone please help me!

Added by DARRYL JENKINS on July 3, 2009 at 7:40 — 1 Comment

Hall#5 Leaking Gas

Well, I hate to admit but I had to tresspass on the Hall#5. I Hope Matador isn't reading this! The peice of equipment they were fighting with the other day was going on top of the well head. They had all the valves turned off this morning (7-02-09). But their was a pretty good gas leak coming from it. Being the concerned O&G citizen I am, I tried to get in touch with my trusty old contact with matador, no luck. But there is some good news. They do have the pipeline set up,flare there,and a… Continue

Added by Joe Dyer on July 2, 2009 at 15:51 — No Comments

Rest in Eternal Peace Brother-In-Law & Fellow Shaler

Orville Welcoming Dennis

Inspiration for me has been challenging to come by over the last 10 days or so. Last Sunday night, we got the midnight call that none of us ever want to receive; my wife’s brother, Dennis, had been shot & killed at his residence. Initially we thought it was an accidental shooting, but police have since concluded that it was intentional and are treating it as a homicide. It is believed that Dennis had gone… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on July 1, 2009 at 9:30 — 67 Comments

Help out the Little Guy: Reserve your Shallow Rights!!

Once upon a time, before the Haynesville Shale introduced Northwest Louisiana to the concept of a resource play, the search for oil and gas was conducted by many smaller companies. These smaller companies would drill the more traditional prospects, looking for that hidden resevoir of oil or gas. Now, with the HA shale, large companies have aquired enormous leaseholds and effectivly push out the small independents.

I have watched as these small independents have had to go elsewhere in… Continue

Added by The_Baron on June 30, 2009 at 3:59 — 15 Comments

Our Site Needs to Unite

Joe Dyer here, I have been reading all my messages in my box the last few months. To be honest with everyone I have been rather disapointed. We have seen to have lost site of why we started GoHaynesvilleShale. We all need to remember why this site was started, to share information about the Natural Gas situation that we have been blessed with. We need to share our information on everything we learn and find out. I know we all have our differences, but I think we should not use this site to show… Continue

Added by Joe Dyer on June 29, 2009 at 16:02 — 5 Comments

Action starting at Hall#5 (MTDR)

I Was at the location this morning. they were working on the well head with a piece of equipmet that I have never seen before. I would have asked what it was and what they were doing but,they were having PROBLEMS,so i decided to go back later,which will be ina few minutes. Does any one have an idea what this piece of equipment might be? As you Know we are having problems with fracking north of town. Porosity! JOE DYER

Added by Joe Dyer on June 27, 2009 at 10:21 — No Comments

Petrohawk sends bonus checks

We signed three years ago for pennies. Today I received a letter stating they had extended our contract until 2011. Included was the same amount for bonus as we originally received( pennies). The contract does read that they can extend the contract. However, I thought they had to re negotiate the bonus amount. Thanks for the help. I'm new @ this blog thing so bare with me

Added by JDT on June 23, 2009 at 12:03 — 3 Comments

Economic Recovery Fears Sends Crude Oil Prices Lower on June 22

Fears over world economic recovery sent crude oil future prices sharply lower on June 22. The price fell a whopping $2.52 to sink to $67.50. Natural gas prices continue to hoover around the $4 level. On June 23, Natural gas for July delivery gained 1.1 cent to $3.94 per 1,000 cubic feet in early morning trading.

In other energy news:

Chesapeake Energy Corp. has laid off 50 employees from its corporate office in Oklahoma City. In the U. S., Chesapeake has… Continue

Added by weatherman on June 23, 2009 at 2:32 — No Comments

Permit Agent looking for work!!

Just checking to see if anyone out there is in need of a permit agent. I have over four years experience in the Barnett Shale, I am fairly familiar with the area of ArkLaTex I lived in Texarkana for two years as well as Monroe for two years, I loved living in both of those towns the people are great. If anyone has any leads let me know.


Added by Jerad Doty on June 18, 2009 at 4:18 — 4 Comments

Mineral Rights

I read the Mineral code back and forth, however I located a deed that my parents had sold a small portion of land in 1985. At the conclusion of the deed I noticed a section that stated ** Seller retains One-Half (1/2) of the Mineral Rights on the property herein conveyed. So is possible the mineral rights could be held since, this was allowed by the Judge to include this caption. All ears for answers.

Added by Stephen Cole on June 17, 2009 at 16:07 — 3 Comments

The Haynesville Shale will Even Help the Elitist Heat their Home

You see it inside the beltway and everywhere else; A lack of appreciation for the contributions of rural America. Sometimes it's subtle, but it's there alright. Take this line from a Forbes' article, using a worn and tired theme, by Jesse Bogan on the Haynesville Shale.

"...the stream of shale lurks two miles under the pastures, trailer homes and piney woods of the region."…


Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on June 17, 2009 at 3:30 — 3 Comments

Reflections on Go Haynesville Shale’s First Year

Started on a Whim

Coonman Joins!

Spark Turns into a Flame

A Vacuum is Filled

Information is Shared

Shale-Speak is perfected…


Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on June 16, 2009 at 4:00 — 9 Comments

Natural Gas Price Market Slowly Recovers Amid Worst Recession Since 1931

The worst recession since 1931 continues this Spring-Summer 2009. Energy markets have recovered somewhat from crude oil prices falling into the upper 30 dollar range per barrel several months ago. On June 15, 2009, the energy markets showed the following:

Natural Gas : Natural gas for July delivery jumped 32.5 cents to settle at $4.182 per 1,000 cubic feet. For June 16, natural gas for July delivery fell 7 cents to settle at $4.312 per 1,000 cubic feet.

Crude… Continue

Added by weatherman on June 15, 2009 at 14:00 — 1 Comment

When Legality And Morality Are No Longer One In The Same

Morality used to be the standard by which law was enacted. The law helped govern and foster what was the morally acceptible actions that were expected from the citizenship under said law. Once upon a time, the two seemed indistinguishable from each other.

Prior to the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 and the 13th Ammendment in 1865 , many felt that slavery was immoral. Yet even after its passages, there were factions that felt it was their right to own slaves. But after many years… Continue

Added by Snake Stewart on June 14, 2009 at 11:22 — No Comments

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