My family has been offered $5000 per acre to lease our land in Sections 33 and 32 in DeSoto Parish.
Is this a good offer?
I need guidance.
Added by M C Ward on May 28, 2009 at 8:19 —
Prescription of non use is the most commonly litigated issue concerning mineral sevitudes.
The mineral code provides that prescription commences from the date when the servitude is created.
According to The Mineral Code, a use of a sevitude suffiecient to interupt prescription consists of
good faith operations for the discovery and production of minerals. The code reqires proof of three elements to establish good faith.
1. Operations must be commenced…
Added by The_Baron on May 28, 2009 at 8:00 —
Louisiana follows the non-ownership theory of oil and gas, thus there is no seperate mineral estate. Any attempts to sell or reserve the ownership of oil and gas results in a
Mineral Servitude.
The most important legal consequence of the mineral servitude is that unlike a mineral estate that can be created in perpetuity with no obligation on the owner to use its rights is that a mineral servitude is subject to perscription of non-use for ten years.
Article 21 of the…
Added by The_Baron on May 28, 2009 at 5:19 —
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Dorcheated when he was just a lad..
The name your Daddy gave you? Patrick Sean Meredith
How'd you come up with that profile name? I felt like the O&G's where cheating people on their bonuses, and I live on Dorcheat. Hence my name Dorcheated.
Your history? I was born in Colorado Springs Colorado, but my dad got stationed at Barksdale AFB when I was three months old, and I have lived here ever…
Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on May 28, 2009 at 2:30 —
As some of us realized early on in the Haynesville Shale play, environmental issues would soon begin to surface. The environmental group in the back pages of GHS was formed early on even if mostly ignored. Currently at issue seems to be our water supply ... the aquifers, the watersheds, the waterways & lakes.
Recently continuing my search for information, I dug up the Selected Writings of Elwood Mead. And there I got immersed, although not necessarily for baptismal purposes, for…
Added by sesport on May 26, 2009 at 17:15 —
does the section # of the well name mean the same thing as the unit? and if so do all owners in a paticular section, such as section 33, split the royalties from that production section?
Added by john hamilton on May 26, 2009 at 11:47 —

Guest Authors: Brian Bohm, P.G., ALL Consulting; Teri S. Holmes, M.S., ALL Consulting
Water Resources
Water is a necessary component of the hydraulic fracturing process and is utilized in significant quantities, usually several million gallons for a horizontal well to be completely drilled and fractured, although the amounts will vary depending on the well and geological characteristics of the formation…
Added by Guest Columnist on May 26, 2009 at 4:59 —
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I received the brunt of this information in an E-Mail from a friend so I dont feel right not passin' the credit. If they read this post and dont mind me calling them by name, I will be more then happy to add their name to the blog. This has been on my mind for quite some time and it may take several updates and additions to get it all down, so stay with me if you will.....
Now that current policy calls for our National Day of Prayer to be "a private thing" and it is no… Continue
Added by Snake Stewart on May 23, 2009 at 18:00 —
I posted this in a disscusion earlier and thought it informative. Please feel free to comment, I will update, add or correct any information as time goes on.
The driving and time aside, I personally believe every landowner should have a copy of the assessors plat for land they own. You can make your trip even more worthwhile by checking to see what they have assesed you for. You can challange your assessment if you feel its too high and many times they will knock a little off just to…
Added by The_Baron on May 22, 2009 at 3:00 —

Haynesville Shale—A Primer
Guest Authors: Brian Bohm, P.G., ALL Consulting; Teri S. Holmes, M.S., ALL Consulting
The Haynesville Shale
Encompassing approximately 9,000 square miles in northern Louisiana and eastern Texas, the Haynesville Shale has an average thickness of 200 feet to 300 feet. Current predictions for the Haynesville Shale have 251 Tcf of technically recoverable resources with a total…
Added by Guest Columnist on May 21, 2009 at 4:00 —
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Here is what a recent member posted on my comment wall recently.
"What a great site !!!!!! I just moved back to Shreveport, Louisiana from East Texas (Jasper) were things have slowed down. Before I went to Texas for 3 1/2 years, I worked for a broker and leased several thousand acres for Encana in Natchitoches Parish. I had wondered what was going on in that area and the rest of the Hayesville Shale(although I did not know at the time I was leasing that there was any thing called "…
Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on May 19, 2009 at 14:13 —
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Results after 580 votes. These are IP votes. Each IP gets one vote.
28% - Petrohawk
22% - Chesapeake Energy
10% EnCana
10% Devon Energy
5% Shell
Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on May 19, 2009 at 2:00 —
Haynesville Shale—A Primer
Authors: Brian Bohm, P.G., ALL Consulting; Teri S. Holmes, M.S., ALL Consulting
Natural gas captured from organic shale formations is not new to the oil and gas industry; shale gas has been produced since the early 1800s (DOE, 2009). Most shale gas formations have historically been deemed economically impractical to drill due to the available technology and relative abundance of domestic conventional natural gas…
Added by Guest Columnist on May 18, 2009 at 6:08 —
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Didn't see this coming....
On Friday, Canadian media reported that EnCana (NYSE: ECA) and its partner Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) (NYSE: RDS-B) were looking to farm out over 130,000 acres of their Haynesville shale position to a partner. I don't blame you if you're confused by the move.
Just the other week, EnCana decided to pour more dollars (freed up by sagging service costs) into the Haynesville play. On the conference call, management identified the play as…
Added by Omar Rodriguez on May 17, 2009 at 11:24 —
Does Devon have an acreage position in Louisiana or just East Texas?
Added by Scott Lucas on May 17, 2009 at 10:23 —
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From: Kevin Manning
Subject: But here is a list of Johnson Trust Wells and approximate drill date.
Johnson Trust 32 (32-12N-13W) Mid-May
Johnson Trust 6 (6-11N-13W) Mid-June
Johnson Trust 29 (29-12N-13W) Mid-June
Johnson Trust 31 (31-12N-13W) Mid-August
Once I have spoken to our pipeline representative I will have a better idea of when the pipeline has/will be laid and when the wells have been frac’ed and ready for production. It generally takes around…
Added by Pr. Lester Hughes on May 15, 2009 at 7:57 —
1 Comment
im trying to find in sonris lite where the size , acre wise well units may be listed , and if there is a listing of royalty owners listed , like the p-12 in texas that shows ownership within the unit, per tract thanks for any help
Added by HS on May 12, 2009 at 16:31 —
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New drilling started 2 weeks ago by St Mary's Land & Exploration. They have 4 permits to drill in the same hole. Has anyone had success with this particular…
Added by Pr. Lester Hughes on May 9, 2009 at 12:00 —
1 Comment
Many of you have noticed the billboards around Shreveport posted by our "fairdrilling" group. Many are aware of our mission: to influence our state to enforce our state law on drilling units (Title 30:9) and to craft a new unitization system, specifically for the Haynesville Shale, that will protect property rights and be fair to everyone. Progress is being made! For details please visit: and go to "Letters from State."…

Added by Andrew Walker on May 7, 2009 at 12:13 —

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on May 7, 2009 at 12:00 —
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