All Blog Posts (653)

E-mails from the Edge II

This one is for you Veterans. I have never heard of this before, but I thought it was important

enough to pass along here.

"I had a doctors appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found something very interesting

I would like to pass along..

While going through triage before seeing the doctor,

I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions.

1. Did I feel stressed ?

2. Did I feel threatened ?

3. Did I… Continue

Added by Snake Stewart on June 13, 2009 at 7:53 — No Comments

E-mails from the Edge

I have on occasion, forwarded e-mails that I receive from different people because of the nature of its context. Whether it be political to patriotic, religious to ridiculous. I have decided to start posting here as well, instead of just forwarding, to keep from filling ones inbox/trash bin with stuff that you may or may not even read. I enjoy reading these e-mails so if you have sent them in the past, please continue to do so.

I must also add that while I can identify with almost… Continue

Added by Snake Stewart on June 13, 2009 at 7:00 — No Comments

Fracking: The Next Agent of Global Crises

First drinking water, now earthquakes? Truly becoming a "nuisance" for all seasons. Fracking may need an image makeover before this is all done. Maybe a new & younger woman by its side.

"At issue is a drilling practice called "fracking," in which water is injected into the ground at high pressure to fracture the layers of shale and release natural gas trapped in the rock. There is no consensus among scientists about whether the practice is contributing to the quakes. But such… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on June 12, 2009 at 9:00 — 13 Comments

American Energy Act

Washington, DC -

Fleming is co-sponsoring this.

American Energy Act:

Renewable Energy

· The bill creates a Renewable and Alternative Energy Trust Fund to provide funding for energy programs authorized by federal law, such as biomass, hydroelectric, clean coal, solar, wind, geothermal and other forms of renewable energy. The fund will encourage the development of renewable, alternative and unconventional fuels, and new energy sources, using… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on June 11, 2009 at 11:03 — No Comments


The following report was found through a link on the Railroad Commission of Texas home page:


This report was prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory by the Ground Water Protection Council, Oklahoma City, Ok. with… Continue

Added by jffree1 on June 11, 2009 at 7:00 — 6 Comments


I have a confession. Dare I tell it? I may as well bite the bullet and just tell my deep dark secret.


There, I've said it and I am not ashamed of admitting it. My day is just not complete without reading something Parker has to say. It can be something Haynesville Shale related or a blog telling me what kind of tree I am based on my birthday month! Anything, I just eat it up. I have hungered for nearly 2 weeks for anything written by Parker.

Now Parker, I know… Continue

Added by Cathaus on June 11, 2009 at 2:55 — 5 Comments

It's close to time for companies to renew sec. leases

It's getting close to the time where O & G companies to renew their land leases, especially with municipalites,levee districts and whole sections. If anyone has any info. please let GHS members know. I know of one that is up in October north of town. Joe

Added by Joe Dyer on June 10, 2009 at 19:30 — 1 Comment

question on units

can anyone provide me with a link so I can see how many wells are in my 640 acre unit.
thank you , DeBroeck 033, 16N..13W

Added by john hamilton on June 4, 2009 at 3:53 — 1 Comment

3 Trinidad Rigs

What are the 3 Trinidad rigs located near an exit on I49 doing ?

Added by Dan Lohman on June 3, 2009 at 11:52 — 1 Comment

Obama: "We have a lot to learn from Brazil" - Ok then, let's learn it.

See video - at least the first minute.

I definitely agree. Let's follow Brazil's 2 prong energy policy. Sounds good to me.

- Neither the Brazilian government nor state-run Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) is willing to stop producing oil and natural gas or to decrease output. Petrobras produces 1.9 million b/d of oil,… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on June 3, 2009 at 4:30 — No Comments

Please explain terminology on Sonris Lite

Red River Parish, Section 30, T 14N , R 9W
Posted on site:
Coring @ 12,428-12,788 '
plug back from 12,900-12,474' W/705 x


Added by Trisha Giddens on June 2, 2009 at 8:43 — 4 Comments

June 1st, 2009


Featured Shaler. This week, the “Featured Shaler” is Dorcheated. Dorcheated has been a site member since July 15th, 2008. To read more about this shaler go here The “featured shaler” section is a way of learning more about fellow site members. Stay tuned; I look forward to featuring additional shalers.

Groundwater Poll. Have you had a chance let us know how you think state authorities… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on June 1, 2009 at 8:02 — No Comments

Petrohawk offer $5000 per acre and 25% royalty

My family has been offered $5000 per acre to lease our land in Sections 33 and 32 in DeSoto Parish.

Is this a good offer?

I need guidance.

Added by M C Ward on May 28, 2009 at 8:19 — 3 Comments

Prescription and Mineral Sevitudes (Part 2)

Prescription of non use is the most commonly litigated issue concerning mineral sevitudes.

The mineral code provides that prescription commences from the date when the servitude is created.

According to The Mineral Code, a use of a sevitude suffiecient to interupt prescription consists of good faith operations for the discovery and production of minerals. The code reqires proof of three elements to establish good faith.

1. Operations must be commenced… Continue

Added by The_Baron on May 28, 2009 at 8:00 — 6 Comments

Prescription and Mineral Sevitudes (Part 1)

Louisiana follows the non-ownership theory of oil and gas, thus there is no seperate mineral estate. Any attempts to sell or reserve the ownership of oil and gas results in a Mineral Servitude.

The most important legal consequence of the mineral servitude is that unlike a mineral estate that can be created in perpetuity with no obligation on the owner to use its rights is that a mineral servitude is subject to perscription of non-use for ten years.

Article 21 of the… Continue

Added by The_Baron on May 28, 2009 at 5:19 — No Comments

Featured Shaler: Dorcheated A1

Dorcheated when he was just a lad..

The name your Daddy gave you? Patrick Sean Meredith

How'd you come up with that profile name? I felt like the O&G's where cheating people on their bonuses, and I live on Dorcheat. Hence my name Dorcheated.

Your history? I was born in Colorado Springs Colorado, but my dad got stationed at Barksdale AFB when I was three months old, and I have lived here ever… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on May 28, 2009 at 2:30 — 9 Comments

Elwood Mead, where are you when we need you?

As some of us realized early on in the Haynesville Shale play, environmental issues would soon begin to surface. The environmental group in the back pages of GHS was formed early on even if mostly ignored. Currently at issue seems to be our water supply ... the aquifers, the watersheds, the waterways & lakes.

Recently continuing my search for information, I dug up the Selected Writings of Elwood Mead. And there I got immersed, although not necessarily for baptismal purposes, for… Continue

Added by sesport on May 26, 2009 at 17:15 — 8 Comments

question between sections and units

does the section # of the well name mean the same thing as the unit? and if so do all owners in a paticular section, such as section 33, split the royalties from that production section?

Added by john hamilton on May 26, 2009 at 11:47 — 3 Comments

Water Resources, Water regulation & the Haynesville Shale - by ALL Consulting (Part 3 of 3)

Guest Authors: Brian Bohm, P.G., ALL Consulting; Teri S. Holmes, M.S., ALL Consulting

Water Resources

Water is a necessary component of the hydraulic fracturing process and is utilized in significant quantities, usually several million gallons for a horizontal well to be completely drilled and fractured, although the amounts will vary depending on the well and geological characteristics of the formation… Continue

Added by Guest Columnist on May 26, 2009 at 4:59 — No Comments

The Minds of Our Founding Fathers vs Todays New Age Thinkers......Who Do You Trust ? Part I: The State . . . Part II: The Federal Level

I received the brunt of this information in an E-Mail from a friend so I dont feel right not passin' the credit. If they read this post and dont mind me calling them by name, I will be more then happy to add their name to the blog. This has been on my mind for quite some time and it may take several updates and additions to get it all down, so stay with me if you will.....

Now that current policy calls for our National Day of Prayer to be "a private thing" and it is no… Continue

Added by Snake Stewart on May 23, 2009 at 18:00 — 3 Comments

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